Sunday, August 31, 2008

Purpose Of Life

What is the purpose of life?: the dreams of wars blights to sacrifice life?.

There are no idea and ideals in wars, but blights of miseries behind the so called sacrifice of life.

Scarifies for wars miserable blights that brings life to killing slice; For no other purpose but to make life a loathing, bloating, miserable rationalized blights of sacrifice.

Make yourself free from loathing, bloating, and rationalized blights of sacrifice......

A time to ponder.............................

Traverse The Journey Of Life

Travers the journey of life with great pleasure and delight.

To light nothing but the pleasure and delight.

Let not the life's hum drums blights put to rest the pleasure and delight.

Make life what life is all about, nothing but for pleasure and delight.

A time to ponder..............

Politics And The Robbers

The politics is on the rise; The slogans are spread on the horizon; The masters of manipulators are on the road.

The speeches are to fool, and prepare for the killing under the disguise of all those promises, pomp, and shows.

Watch out the political robbers, and their various colors and the robes; They are what they are: the disguise mouth pieces of those who are in power and control.

The politics is on the rise to manipulate and control.

A Time to ponder...............................

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Trust To Live

Trust brings the longing for life between and among trusting beings.

Trust is the key to living loving relationships; Without trust there is nothing, but a life unloved and unseeing.

Trusts are broken to seek social, political, and economic power; Trusts are broken to control; Trusts are broken to satisfy the insecurities of living beings.

In breaking trust, the being destroys the very self that provides life the meaning of living; So, trust, and seek the power of trust, not of distrust, to live a life of loving trusting being.

A time to ponder.....................

Friday, August 29, 2008


Dream all there is to dream for all the greatness of life's dream; life is dream of all the dreaming dreams; once you dream the dream of life, there is no return but to dream.

Without dream there is no life; Dream away the life's living sojourn dreams; Dreaming is dreams dream, making life what life is: a dreaming dream.

A time to ponder.....................

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Live to transform, and transform to live for now, and forever.

With each transformation comes the renewed living giving life the transformed dreams, imaginations, and the nectar to make living enjoyable for now, and forever.

The deleterious mutations are on the rise for reasons unknown; Yet living and transforming is for keeping life on the move for now, and forever.

Look at the universe in constant move and transformation, creating creative reformulations for now, and forever.

A time to ponder.................

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Life's Conflicting Desires

Life is transitory in all it's form; The glia is a temporary glue that keeps the body mass together during life's sojourn journey to planet earth.

Life while on planet earth encounters the planet earth's beauty and living desires, distracting life's journey to other planetary mass.

Life finds itself conflicted between desire to be with planet earth, and the desire to experience the other planetary mass.

The desire to experience the other planetary mass wins as evolution propels life's journey to other planetary mass.

A time to ponder.........................

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Everryone Is Struggling To Make A Living

Everyone is struggling to make a living except those who do not make a living but have plenty to buy the living; they are the living curse, and planet's dark Saturn.

Carve a niche in planet's sphere, and share life and the happiness; do not collaborate with those who do not make a living as they are nothing but leach sucking blood, and giving at best if any the trickle in return.

No illusion of grandeur to aspire, survive, and do what you can to make the planet a better place for next generation to enjoy the stars and the sun.

Life brings all there is..... good, bad, and the ugly; do not let the burden of life steer you away from the good that life brings your way.

A time to ponder.......................

Life's Sojourn Experience

The symbiotic relation between heart and the brain body mass is for nothing else but to provide life the sojourn experience of planet earth. Life's journey on planetary mass is to experience and seek happiness.

The heart pounds and oxygenate with vigor when life in brain mass is happy; And heart quivers and dies when life in brain mass is in distress.

There is no other goal or mission for the heart but to keep brain mass oxygenated alive for life's happiness; And there is no other goal or mission for the brain but to keep heart mass alive for life's happiness.

Body mass is through which life experience and enjoys the earth planetary pleasures on it's journey to other planetary mass.

So be happy and enjoy the sojourn experience .....................

A time to ponder.....................

The Simmering Mountain Stream

The simmering mountain stream carrying the Autumn leaf with morning dew to renew life with nature's glamour and delight.

The glamour delight that is fresh, free, and right, freshens the feelings, thoughts, and the mind.

The matter of life comes together with the matter of nature's color, and the breeze invigorating and making life fresh, light, and free from every blight.

There is no blight but freshness, color, and light as the simmering breeze touches the skin, and the air fills the life with delight.

A time to ponder...................

Wondrous Night

The night comes to show off the moon, and the stars to spread the wonders of cosmic delight.

The delight with glittering light is free from commercial take, so far..... that is right.

So wonder with delight, and spread the light to scrape off the ignorance of left and right.

The left and right lacking the wonder light, and delight, hide ignorance under the disguise of power and the might.

A time to ponder....................

Friday, August 22, 2008

In The Name Of Culture, Religion, And National Pride

The mistrust and xenophobia surrounds in the name of culture, religion, and national pride.

The hatred in the name of freedom, love, sisterhood, and brotherhood abound; the prayer, the invocation of loving God is nothing but to inbreed intolerance and hatred in the name of culture, religion, and national pride.

Humanity has been hijacked by the religiosity, greed, and the war mongers in the name of culture, religion, and the national pride.

The beauty and the serenity of life is to cherish, and share..... not politicize and divide in the name of culture, religion, and the national pride.

A time to ponder............................

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Social, Economical, Psychological, And Biological Need

A new social order with new needs and needier ailments surrounds the planet year round.

Social, economical, psychological, and biological needs and the needier are in demand; Greater the numbers of needs, and the needier, the bigger the business, and larger the profit; A needier consumer oriented social, economic, and business order is thriving on needs and the needier.The new social order needs the needs and the needier to be around.

A needier consumer oriented social, economic, and business order is capitalizing on existing needs, creating new needs, and filling the airways with commercials to make consumers to want the newly created needs. More has become the mantra, and the social order's sweet sound.

More products are created, planet resources are depleted, the consumers are bloated, planet is polluted, cancers are on the rise, and so are the GDP, and the wealth of the gloated business hound.

A new social order with new needs and needier ailment surrounds the planet year round.

A time to ponder.......................

Open Heart Surgery Could Not Scrape The Heart's Dogma

Open heart surgery could not scrape the heart's dogma but did replace blocked artery to let the dogma flow.

The matter, the holder of life, had blocked the dogma from flowing; the acculturated mind let it growing to no avail but to cradle and stow.

Dogmas are created for no other purpose but to enslave the humanity, yet dogma is what is preached from every religion pandering podium glow.

The religion pomp and shows, and the glittering political dogmatic side shows are the cover for the treacherous enslaving dogma blow.

A time to ponder......................

There Is Another Side



Acculturate, and make human a controllable gullible creature to be used for waging wars.... is the supreme mission guiding the planet's state politics.


This is an unfair point of view, pleaded the lobbyist.


Life is religionized, rationalized, and packaged to sermonize to develop and sanctify institutionalized power controllers, money rollers, and dogmatic cesspools.


It is a narrow and one sided point of view, shouted the political Think Tank scholarist.


The noble prize, the ill gotten wealth of dynamite, is awarded to recognize political and economic game players under the disguise awards to scientists and literary rights.


This is a manipulative view, cried out the imperialist.

A time to ponder.....................

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Greed The Need?

The greenery, the scenery, and all the beauty that planet has bestowed have been chewed and stewed by Wall Street greed.

The Wall Street insecurity caused by the delusional paper wealth is the devilish of all the deed manifesting the greed.

The greater the greed the stronger the insecurity the loftier the paper wealth, making Wall Street queering swine in it's deed.

Human beings behind those queering swine deeds have lost their core human surreal conscious; The translucent, transformed, and transcended surreal conscious has no need for the greed.

A time to ponder.......................

Monday, August 18, 2008

Planet In Distress

Sun looks on the planet earth with sadness, and sorrow mount; the wind blows in momentary chocking distress; Georgia president is throwing temper tantrum with his GI Joe's; Putin is angry, and he is misread by all in Washington power circle including by Rice, the ice, and by Cheney, the chicanery. Gates says foreign policies are based on interest and the reality, but oblivious that among conflicting interests and realities adversaries may have the same premise, setting the collision course. Thus, ensue the senseless build up of military industrial complex acknowledged and feared by our eminent President Eisenhower. A good news for military industrial complex, and bad news for the planet and the humanity.

Sadness abound as planet earth is surrounded by senseless fighting machines, machines, and more machines; And politicians, the hawks and the doves alike, are making adversarial policies that enhances the military industrial complex while Billions have no access to education, and Billions more live on less than a loaf of bread every day.

The planet is in distress with fossil fuel burning, pollution mounting, poverty and hunger spreading while the modern day Nero's are playing the war fiddle.

A time to ponder.......................

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Tears Reveal The Truth

Tears reveal the truth, and the reality of the living; The tears never come as the feelings and the memories of the past make their ways into the realm of life misunderstood and misjudged; you will never be misjudged and misunderstood by whom you were loved, nor whom you loved.

The tears flows for whom you love, and those who loved; the feelings have not changed, and will never change in time; love is the primal feeling that never fades away, and lasts in eternity, demanding or expecting none with clarity and purity like simmering mountain water stream in sublime.

The moments of stillness bring the shining lights across for deep thoughts with Serene feelings for the loving moments that life has brought in surreal time.

A time to ponder................

The End Of Suffering

The jolt of light that comes from a thought that inspires the heart is what is the core of life.

The life is not suffering; the remnants of suffering are perpetuated and sustained on planet by ideological conflicts of the power and the might; the vicious camouflage of the power and the might under the disguise of ideology that benefits few at the cost of forbearance of humanity can never be suffice, let alone be and become the core of life.

The best remedy to free from the grips of treachery of the power and the might is to regain self, eliminate the ignorance, live, and grow; create thoughts and feelings that inspires the heart to seek joy and informed life.

A time to ponder.......................

Seek Freedom Not Control

The radio hums, the news comes broadcasting the world leaders photo ops, and their two face lies.

The secretaries of states, defense, and departments of foreign affairs of all countries fly around in public planes to establish peace, but have failed for no other reason but for their duplicity and lies.

The colonial and the cold war era has ended as the neocons, and the power and the mighty of all nations regroup to tout out a new game for power and the control; the power and the mighty come in all shapes and colors with flags and banners of ideology and religion to manipulate the human ignorance in no other blood, but cold; all this for no other reason but to subdue and control.

Humanity must get rid of the ignorance to reclaim their free life from almighty's control; It is the ignorance of the populous that gave the power and the mighty the control.

No almighty, no control deity, but enlightened transformed and informed humanity to bring freedom for themselves to themselves and not be subdued from the almighty's power and control.

A time to ponder.....................

The World of Ignorance And The Greed

Sleep in peace as the night falls, the stars dance, moon lights the glorious planet at no cost.

Let the stars, moons, and galaxies set a freedom model for the planet's inhabitants before in it's own greed the planet is lost.

Planet's resources swindle, mutilated, and converted into bombs to kill each other on the road to nowhere but rust and dust.

The solutions like political swine games played out in capitals around the world has not made any better for the populous but for a few, a slot lot.

Out of human ignorance emerges the fathomless power of destruction in every corner of the planet, for no other reason but to seek almighty control and power to subvert human destiny a lot.

Sleep in peace as night falls, stars dance, and moon lights the glorious planet at no cost; tomorrow the world of greed begins at a high cost.

A time to ponder...........................

Friday, August 15, 2008

What is Life?

Live for life.......

What is life?: life that is acculturated, stewed, and blemished; life that is rationalized, justified, politicized, ideologies, and commercialized; life that is made to fight, and wage wars to gain power for the powerful and the might; so, a bleeding heart asks: what is life?

A beautiful planet seen from up above the sky is in one piece that is cut in pieces by human greed, and political drama of the power, and the might; so, nature's weeping willow asks: what is life?

The planet is cut in pieces to form nations to serve the power and the might under the cover of all the glorified ideologies to serve the human needs; the human needs are then commercialized, and sold for the power and the might; cry out loud and ask: what is life?

All the simmering breeze, the beauty of falling rain, and the colorful flowers with fragrances are offered free to planet's inhabitants, only to be commercialized for the power and the might; bleed, weep, cry, and ask: what is life?

Could life be for the life without power, and the might?

A time to ponder.........................

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Trust And War

Vulnerabilities surround making trust vulnerable; choose trust over vulnerabilities, and make your heart trusting to chip away the vulnerabilities of all times.

Trust fashioned in superficial trusting camouflage accelerates distrusts like poison ivy's evergreen color camouflage making plant ever most distrusting; The rumbling of volcanic fire ravages the earth's surface; the earth trusts itself, and responds vulnerability with sprouting new life in time.

Trust can not be spread by planning the dominance for the sake of power and control, and not trust for living, loving, learning , and evolving; hoping to gain trust by sear dominance, power, and control political game is a political hope in it's delusion destined to cause wars, wars, and more wars in time.

Heed the wisdom of planet earth; accept who we are: an evolving mass with great potential for living, loving, learning, and evolving with destructive volcanic fire burning inside inflicting pain and suffering; make living, loving, learning, and evolving to respond to our volcanic fire with sprouting trust in time.

A time to ponder...................

Trust Bond

Trust is a sacred bond that begins with yourself.

Trust yourself, the gift of life.

Expand trust to others, and keep others trust
trusting, and right.

Trust is not just a word; it's a core of living that comes with
nothing but trust.

When heart is broken by broken trust by someone you trust;
trust yourself, and forgive to live and trust.

A time to ponder.......................

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mind, Matter, Beauty, And The Grace

The mind and the matter come together to form life's beauty, and the grace.

Living can make the beauty and the grace pleasant and livable, or a disgrace.

World's commercials are shaping the living, the beauty, and the grace; the greed game is on to out smart the populous with commercials, and the paper wealth power; politicians are creating campaigns, and donation tax while enjoying the pleasures of vacations, private planes, and the race.

The mind, the matter, the beauty, and the grace all are for commercial take; While billions are barely living to survive to enjoy the life's beauty and the grace.

A time to ponder....................

Happiness And Sorrow

Life's happiness and sorrows are commercialized; making happiness and sorrow nothing but commodities of the market not of the heart.

The clouds, the simmering breeze, sunrise and the sunset, the chirping of birds, and all the natures free gifts are for you to behold; be true to your heart, savor the life at it's best, and not be the commodity for commercialized test.

The nature's stillness, tree's steadfast boldness, flowers on ground, and the fragrance in the air, all are for you free to hold; don't let the artificial coloring, and commercial dangling shape you into a commodity mold.

Be true to your heart; feel all the feelings of life that comes your way; happiness, sorrow, and all the feelings are to bring you closer to your heart.

Feelings no matter how they come your way are your core of living; keep them for yourself to be shared with whom your heart desires; don't let the commercial coloring take away what is your and right.

A time to ponder............

Greenspan Exuberant Corporate Market Place Melody

It is a democracy, or a Greenspan exuberant corporate market place Melody.

All that you need or want is in corporate custody; to be rendered for a price that's is set by crafty political art including dumping to make it right for the corporate market place.

The states are for corporate benefit; G7 or G8 whatever they may be fly around on public planes to make it right for corporate market place.

The medias controlled, alliances are created, wars are waged, to set the lanes for the corporate market place.

Corporates form charities to make it right for the corporate market place.

It's all corporate Melody seen or unseen that drives what else... but the exuberant corporate market place.

A time to ponder.................

Monday, August 11, 2008

Exuberant Greenspan Melody

The market driven social, political, and economic order is on the move. The products are produced, markets are developed, and public funds are used to shield the private sector from it's responsible liability. The market driven social, political, and economic order is on the move.

The cheap markets are develop to produce, produce, and more produce to make the paper wealth grow. The market driven social, political, and economic order is on the move.

Neither products nor markets are necessarily always conducive to the growth and development of human Self, the universe. The products and markets created to sell the products detrimental to the universe with deleterious effects on human growth and development are shielded from exuberant Greenspan Melody. The market driven social, political, and economic order is on the move.

The political use of the word free to the so called free trade, and free to the so called free market place is a political divergence and misuse of the sacred word free, a cover for industries producing the deleterious products, market place, and a shield for the politicians and their conflict of interest. The market driven social, political, and economic order is on the move

Couldn't there be a market place congruent to human growth and development in a healthy universe? Couldn't there be an alignment to adjust the Exuberant Greenspan Melody and greed to human healthy need?

A time to ponder................

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ambivalence of Ambivalence Regarding Self

The ambivalence of ambivalence regarding the Self compounds when the art, and the science studying human Self create labels such as narcissist, masochist, sadistic, and developmentally dysfunctional for describing human Self. These labels connote negativity about human Self when the negativity is the product of varied social and cultural order including a permeating philosophy that demeans human Self.

The Self love is not narcissist. The Self love is the key to loving the other Self. The issue is not whether Self love is negative rather what made the Self love not to love the other Self. In a social and cultural order where protecting Self becomes a necessity for survival, the social and cultural order needs the study and modification, not creating a negative label for the human Self as a substitute.

Human Self is not inherently narcissistic; human Self is not inherently masochistic; human Self is not inherently sadistic; human Self is not inherently developmentally dysfunctional. Labeling human Self as negative is a divergence from a narcissist, masochist, sadistic, and developmentally dysfunctional social and cultural order.

Human Self is inherently loving for it's survival, and equally loving of the other Self for the survival of mutual shared Self. The Self love, and the respect for the Self love is critical in loving and respecting the other Self. How could a person love and respect the other Self while denying the respect and love for his or her own Self?

Self is the Atman, the core of living.

A time to ponder...............

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Reality To Be

Conflicting emotions abound when someone we knew or loved leaves the mortal world; Someone whom we will now never meet, see, or share the experience of mortal moments of living that will follow.

There is an ambivalent feeling and sense of void; the images, and the words of the passing surrounds... filling the void with memory now; the memory that too will pass with us one day in the inevitability of a cosmic moment to follow.

In passing, a unification begins in lights of particles shared by all the passing; the person we knew is in unison with the cosmic light that we like others will follow.

The grief and the grieving is the beginning of unification in unison with the passing; Grieving, a transient experience of living for now, until our cosmic uplifting to follow.

These words are not the words of a pontiff, rabbi, preacher, imam, or pundit; but words of a grieving heart not looking for soothing pontificated sermonized words but the reality that soon to be.

All this juxtaposition is a little silly as we don't know much about much to know here and after.

Thought solace is what is to gain which has been the theme of the pandering pontificated sermonized words of finality. The unification with light particles is a plausibility as any life without light particles is an implausible. Our reformulation and emergence in an evolving cosmic universe is more plausible than any finality sermonized here and after.

A time to ponder..............

Ecstasy And Betrayal

Deep felt emotions are few and far between;

Deep felt emotions are either moments of Ecstasy or betrayal.

Ecstasy and betrayal are the core of living legacy;

You aspire the Ecstasy, and fight, and forgive the betrayal.

Emotions are the core of feelings without distractions of words, concepts, and sentence pandering.

Keep in touch with emotions, and don't let down the feelings.

Live to emote; feel the simmering breeze, and wonder the wonders of every day living.

A time to ponder.............

Friday, August 8, 2008

Ignorance Yields Profits

The noisy, disturbing, roaring, tumbling, rendering of stream flows from the mountain tops to the ocean for no other reason than to flow.

Life's moves no matter how noisy, disturbing, roaring, tumbling, rendering or peaceful may be..... they are all for no other reason than reasons we don't know.

The reasons what we are led to believe and know are rationalized, sermonized, politicized for the no other reason but to control the thought flow.

This primal ignorance being manipulated by the pundits, Pujaries, popes, Imams, politicians, and the businessmen alike for no other reason than to perpetuate the ignorance to let the profit grow.

A time to ponder..................

Who Is Free?

The flight of a bird in the sky is free; Make planet, and your flight equally free.

Rejuvenate with the freedom that nature's wonders bestow upon thee at a cost no other than free.

Nature has no tolls, no loans, and no controlling fee; Seek the model of freedom from the nature at no cost but free.

Freedom and justice that we are taught to love comes with cost rendered by controlling powers that never come free.

Freedom and justice come with toll, tax, and fee; It is disproportionate, and never less than surcharge fee.

A time to ponder.............

Life's Virtuous Moments

Life's virtuous moments are in moments of each breath.

Experience natures free gift; Enjoy tantalizing transformation
translucent exaltation as you breath.

Breath while you can; Tomorrow it may be sold at a price that
you can not afford to breath.

Enjoy the wondrous Nirvanic life as you breath; Packaging of nature's free
gifts are in the making, so breath now while you can afford to breath.

A time to ponder..............

Be Brave Not Slave

Be brave not slave to a preplanned destiny that weakens and cheapens life.

Be brave and create life's sustaining roots that strengthens living, and eliminate strife.

Be on your feet, look at the horizon for wonder, beauty, and savor sustaining simmering breeze; Be the first to see the sunrise which awakens living to it's desirous wonders in every breadth of life to be.

A time to ponder....................

Olympians Carrying Wrong Banners

For their state and sponsors Olympians carry their banners to strive for victories and glories on each other.

Cheered by the world power dignitaries, corporate sponsors, to fight, win, and smother the competitive other.

Billions spend on commercials, pomp and show while billions live without a bread of loaf.

There was not a banner to acknowledge the plight of life and human right where Olympians stroll........

A time to ponder.................

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Journey To Stars

A moving developing genealogy underlies species flight into the universe, searching for a treasure lost during the voyage from the Stars.

The loss left life incomplete, and gave birth to ambivalent living on the planet earth creating living scars.

The ambivalent desires and quests are the remnants of the loss treasure, making life full of strife and harsh.

Is the lost treasure the piece of puzzle that remains to be evolved?; To make life peaceful once again as we move towards the stars.

A time to ponder...........................

A Wish For High Tech. Warriors

Dedicated to High Tech. Warriors

Slip into a cup of spiritual mocha for working wonders of
high tech. life.

Create a wondering jovial virtual wonder to take away
the strife of life.

Let it not be the Micky's mousy surprise that hardens the
Micky's business, but cheapens the wonders of life.

Make it all there is: a virtual wonderful, divergent, creative life.

A time to ponder.............

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

All Behaviors Are Forms Of Adjustment

All behaviors are forms of adjustment, not contrive device of

'Maladjustment' in of itself is a forms of adjustment.

'Maladjustment' at best is a social and cultural label for behaviors not
understood and meeting the normalcy adjustment.

The social and cultural concepts of 'maladjustment' in of themselves are forms of social and cultural adjustment.

Once the concept of maladjustment is refined, there will be nothing but behaviors, underfstanding, and forms of adjustment.

A time to ponder......................

It Is The Wonder Not The Surrender That Makes Life Worth Living

There is something that makes life worth living?

Claims and speculations abound; But no finality seems
to be in the making.

All the music, art, science, human relationships make life
jovial, yet not worth living.

Ah, there it is: It is the wonder and the beauty not the surrender
that makes life worth living.

So, Wonder not surrender, and look for wonders and the beauty
that abounds in nature, and in human heart.

It is the wonder of nature that produces the beauty
which is admired by the human heart.

Has there been a wonder, and the beauty that has not ever
been loved and admired by human heart?

A time to ponder.........................

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Politico, Business, And Commercial Lane

Work hard, get paid, and get ahead says the surreal soul digging commercial at the business Perle gate.

Live for work, and work to live; And for work's pain listen to commercial comedians for diversion, relief, and spade.

Life is golden, and gold is life; So what are you waiting?.... Take a loan, go to work, and work to live,..... for work and for the loan; And for work's and the loan's pain listen to commercial comedians, made just for you, for diversion, relief, and spade.... What happened to get ahead? It's no body's business anymore. You are in for the ride.

Listen to commercials: Life is full of glamor, hope, and billboards; And the glamor, the hopes, and the billboards are worth living to be at business Perle gate. So what are you waiting?...... Take another bigger loan, check out the cards too, go to work, to live for work, and for the bigger loan, and the cards too..........

The war is on. Go shopping, says the leader of the free world; A free commercial for the business. Who needs commercial anymore?

Is there anything else left to be said for life in politico business commercial lane? Oh, What happened to get ahead?

A time to ponder..................

Conan, The Commercial Comedian

The commercial comedians are the accomplished con artists in the art of diversion for which they get paid from their greater con artists masters, in wholesale and retail.

Conan called China's designated spots for Olympic protesters, the jail; What do we call our designated spots for protesters, the sweet surrender of singing rails?

The masters of China or the States have camaraderie in common, called rule by diversion and derail.

A time to ponder..............

If You Have To Live, Live By The Openness Of The Day

If you have to live; Live by the openness of the day not by the darkness of the night.

Days and nights both have become the controlled entities and the possessions of the might.

By the day you may have a chance to see the darkness of living bestowed under the disguise of pomp and show of tinkered rights like "consumers" right?

By the night you have less of a chance to see the darkness of circumventing political slights of the might for the causes other than what is right.

What is right like human rights are controlled and subdued by the power and the might in every day and night.

Human rights have become the token rewards to be bestowed as "right" in pieces in return for a plight of the might.

The plights of the might are so slight and muddled that rights do not seem anymore to be right.

When human rights are bestowed, then they aren't right any more; So, live by the day's light; do not follow the darkness of the might to slight the plight, and make the right, right.

A time to ponder................

Monday, August 4, 2008

Growth And Development?

Reflect the reflections inherent in gene, archetypes, and genome, the existence and the being of life.

The implicit affecting the explicit reflections by the slippage of tongue showing the becoming of life.

Sanctions and social orders making the hardening of life; Life is not a life anymore but a bondage of strife.

Bondage of strifed life brings it's sanctimonious rewards to which we let our self be controlled and subdued; Life becomes a sanctimonious drama in which we play a role that we think we know; We soon forget our existence, and the being of life.

A time to ponder.....................

Is Freedom Free?

An ironical social order we have created in which we surrender our
freedom to be free.

Bestowed freedom belongs to granter not the grantee who thinks is free.

Is there a wisdom in social evolutionary cycle where freedom is in
custody not free?

Transform, evolve, and be the custodian of your freedom, and be free.

A time to ponder.....................

Joy of Conditioning?

Golfers golf and become conditioned and refined.

Follow the rules, keep in line, and become conditioned
and refined.

There is an ironic "enjoyment" on a preplanned ground; Where
golfers play to become conditioned and refined.

There is a "joy" to which golfers pay to become conditioned
and refined.

A time to ponder..........................

Modern Day Slavery

Trading, selling, or buying a football player by owners is
the refined slavery of modern time.

Football players are human; trading, selling, and buying a human is
slavery of modern time.

Modern day slavery is justified because it pays high.

Should we say any more for convoluted human mind.

A time to ponder.................

Sacred Game?

Behind all the personal, social, and political games is a game.

The game of power and control is the supreme ultimate game.

It is played for the good, moral, and poise..... in name.

It is played in, on, and at all the sacred grounds, it is shame.

A time to ponder.........................

Depressed Hearts

Depressed hearts are very telling of conflicts of mind, and the matter.

Conflicts of minds are acquired into what matters, the matter.

The matter understood in concert with conflicts of mind, sooner the better.

Denial of matter will send the matter and the mind into oblivion to be!

A time to ponder..........................


There is no justice only process, a due process at best.

Justice is what it is: Justice for the victor, for others it is a process.

Justice begins with human rights, not bestowed but inherent right.

Justice bestowed is given alms of the giver, not inherent right.

A time to ponder.........................

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hijacked Life

Flowers' desirous beauty and colors remind what life could be: desirous, beautiful, and colorful.

Life's desires for beauty and color could make life: sweet, serene, colorful, and wonderful.

Life has been hijacked to make life strong, merciless, fighting machine for the power and the powerful.

Isn't a wonder why life isn't all that what it could be: desirous, beautiful, colorful, sweet, serene, and wonderful.

A time to ponder...........................


The serene sleep with translucent in multicolor dream.

Uplifting, floating life in horizon with desirous dream.

Transforming living that never comes without dream.

Dreams the one making life a sweet loving dream.

A time to ponder..........................

Strength And Candor

Misjudgements, and displaced angers abound right, left, and the center.

Define yourself rather being defined by the cruelty that comes from the right, left, and the center.

Let not life be spindled, manipulated, and stolen by others' disguised renders.

Conflicts of minds must be rendered to no other than transformed strength and candor.

Transform and replace,......Transform and replace,......Transform and replace,.........the misjudgements and angers inflicted on you with nourished fulfilled desires of living, loving, learning, and evolving.........with strength and candor.

A time to ponder.......................

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Altruistic Love?

Love is not altruistic in it's desirability, as we wish;

Love is an evolutionary desire, and passion to live.

Live,..... to live for a living of love,..... to live.

Desire and passion to live is all there, live.

A time to ponder.....................

Desirous Moments of Desire

Moments of conflicts; moments of pain; moments of desire to relieve pain and conflicts of whom you love......are the desirous moments of love.

When desire abounds to take away the conflicts and pain; When desire shower the gaiety and soothing simmering rain, there is love.

The moments of love though.....are not abound in an evolving conflicting political incensed world; The art of living is full with deceptive maneuvering for power and control; There is no love to relieve conflicts and pain but to inflict pain in the name of love.

The despair, sadness and sorrow abounds;.... living in despair, sadness, and sorrow is not what desires love; so shake the despair, sadness, and sorrow.... and fill your life with love.

A time to ponder...................

Illusions Of Here And After

Desire to live and love is real then the illusions of hear and after.

So live and love with desires..... now, not after.

Desires to live, love, learn, and evolve.... now, not after.

Shake the illusions bestowed upon thee, and live and love... now, not after.

Shake the rationalized here and after.... now, not after.

Free yourself.... now, not after in oblivion to be!

A time to ponder.....................


Desire to seek beauty, gaiety, and passion..... is love.

Desire to posses and control is not love but a sickness that devours love;

A sickness that devours self and the one you love;

A sickness that steals living, loving, learning, and evolving love.

Make desire desires to live and love, not devour love.

A time to ponder..................

Life Is Not A Journey

Life is not a journey, it is a stay.

Life is not rational nor it is gay.

It is what it is, a withering sway.

Or I might say:

Life is a Mediterranean play, to eat, play, and be gay.

Life begins and ends with each breadth we take.

So.. breadth, play , and be gay.

A time to ponder....................