Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wall Street Market Game

Wall street market games are many including: the economic game of inflation; the game of paper wealth creation; the game of globalization and market expansion; the game to insulate private corporate losses with tax payers money. The Wall street loves socialism when it comes to insulate corporate loses...........These are the regular games played out at the Wall street. Wall street never produces any thing except the money games. The Main street has to work hard, harder, and harder to produce so that Wall streets paper money could become sustainable.

There was a time Dow Jones average use to be 900. Any drop in 100 to 400 points was bad news. Then marketeers inflated it to 3800. Now any time market dropped 100 to 400 points was not much of drop. Then came 1987 and the market dropped 2000 points. The marketeers followed up and inflated the market to 14,000.00. Now 2000 to 3000 points drop is not bad for those who enter market before 10,000.00. They are safe and insulated. Once this cycle of drop in points game is over, the marketeers will inflate Dow to probably to another high say to 20,000.00. At 20,000.00 point Dow average drop of 2000 to 3000 would be not much of a drop. After the drop, the Dow still would be way high in comparison to 900 points, or 3800 points or 10,000.00 points, the Dow's highest points in history.

So, just watch the game, and prepare to work hard to make paper money sustainable.

A time to ponder........................

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