Friday, July 4, 2008

Human Mass

Human mass has experienced the evolution of it's existence from it's beginning. What is the purpose of human mass in it's present form with all it's present needs (biological, social, economic, psychological), intellect, creativity, insight, and foresight; and what would be the purpose of human mass in it's future form as evolution evolves........ is a matter of scientific inquiry, speculations, religious claims, and best of all human curiosity.

Human mass has projected, and continues to project itself as a thinking, feeling social psychological, chemical, and biological collection of living human beings. The collection of human beings with individual mass are evolving and mutating in a cosmic order. There is no disorder in cosmic evolution. The evolution is not dichotomous. The dichotomous concept of orders and disorders are at best intellect's social and economic concept with psychological consequences.

Any thoughts?

A time to ponder.........................

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