Sunday, July 20, 2008

Scapegoating Phenomenon And A Remedy

The practice of scapegoating is a disease. Scapegoating phenomenon is a well documented, and frequently used phenomenon. Scapegoating depending upon it's contextual and subject matter content, could be a social, political, and psychological condition. Scapegoating phenomenon can be found in varied social, political, and psychological dramas played out among human beings.

Commentary plus describes the reason for scapegoating phenomenon, and suggests a transient remedy as follows:

What causes scapegoating phenomenon? There are varied explanations in literature and folk- lores. Commentary Plus's position is that the basic and most fundamental reason for frequently occurring scapegoating phenomenon exists because human specie remains, at this stage of evolution, a socially, politically, and psychologically warped mass. The warped mass is a fertile ground for psychological insecurity, anxiety, and host of other debilitating conditions. To escape from some of the psychological insecurities and anxieties the blame shifting solutions have been practiced. There is an evolutionary gene precipitating in this blame shifting phenomenon. Though the gene is not formally identified as yet. Nevertheless commentary plus position is that it exists. This is an acquired gene. The gene is unhealthy, and is expected to be eliminated in evolutionary process. The practice of shifting blames to someone or to some group has been played as a remedy. This is what is known as scapegoating (one or a group to bear blame or responsibility for others misdeeds, so to speak; and in politics scapegoating is used as a diversion tactics among other purposes). This is a unhealthy remedy. Scapegoating is also embedded in some religious practices.

In social context, the drama of scapegoating creates what is known as a fall guy phenomenon. In a social political power structure game, an entity with less power is created or identified to take the fall. In social political victor's court drama, the fall guy has never been set free.

Until human specie evolves out of it's social and psychological dichotomous warped condition (dominate or be dominated; control or be controlled; subjugate or be subjugated; blame or be blamed), the scapegoating will continue. The social, political, and psychological solutions/treatments developed in a social, political, and psychological warped milieu will not cure scapegoating. The so-called psychological and social solutions and treatments are in themselves warped by the virtue that they are developed in a warped milieu. Therefore, the solutions and treatments have potential to make the condition of scapegoating worse, or at best justified and rationalized. So, there is no scape from scapegoating, isn't?

The remedial choices are very limited: either hold your breathe until the evolution remedies the warped scapegoating gene, or in transient take preventive steps to avoid being a scapegoat or become one.

A time to ponder................

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