Friday, July 18, 2008

Universal Health Care Insurance, Insurance By Whom?

Senator Clinton, and Senator Obama both want a Universal Health Insurance program. However, both have failed to come clean with the details of the so called Universal Health Insurance program. It has been said before that devil lies in the details. For a starter, what they are proposing is an insurance program loved by insurance companies with some reservation. (There are no insurmountable insurance companies reservations that insurance companies can not take care of through their creative lobbying).

We are living in a country where electorates have bought, and politicians have sold many shady programs such as the warrantless wiretapping, and have already spent in a war in Iraq more money than ever will be needed to take care of many social issues including providing health care. Neither electorates have shaken their ignorance nor the politicians have come clean with their shady programs and political tricks.

Do we really have on the table a true Universal Health Care Program, or we have a Universal Health Insurance program? Electorate will find that it is an insurance program with all it's faults.

Time to ponder............................

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