Thursday, July 24, 2008

Longing For An Unpolluted Universe

Heart aches, throbs, and sputters to see the enslaved, cluttered
and polluted universe with every sun rise and sun set.

The pollutants have subdued the beauty once seen;
the beauty once seen is in mortal danger with all the
clutters around; What is to do with the memory?....the
beauty these eyes have seen,
is difficult to forget.

Why humanity surrounds itself with pollution?
Is humanity nature's ultimate disease, a malady?
the answer is difficult to get.

Where is the outrage and longing for a clean and free universe?

Is longing for clean and free universe a reverie, the fancy?
Are human hearts bought out, opt out, subdued, controlled,
subverted, and polluted?.... the answer is difficult to get.

A time to ponder..........................

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