Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Micky's Reign Visited By Galactic Beauty

Not very long ago, Sun began dancing in cloud to attract the Galactic simmering lusting voluptuous beauty; oblivion of the fact that the Galactic beauty had left to dance on planet earth.

The Galactic beauty on her dancing mission to planet earth arrived with great expectations though a little late; to her amazement she found a shrunk planet earth... left with nothing except the world of Micky the mouse. Galactic beauty found herself in great puzzlement over this transformational predicament of of planet earth: The planet earth being void of it's big achievements, beauty, diversity, higher intellect, art, and science in deference to Micky the mouse.

Galactic beauty with great sadness and sorrow looked around the planet earth, and found nothing but the empire created by Micky the mouse, and the Wall Street it's surrogate.

While Sun was dancing away oblivion of Galactic beauty's visit to earth, and her encounter with the Micky, and void planet earth of it's big achievements, beauty, diversity, intellect, art, and science.

The Micky with all his pals including the Guffy and the Wall Street surrogates welcomed the Galactic beauty in his castle, and gave the Galactic beauty the welcoming party. The castle was lit with Micky's candles, Wall Street jangles, and the music the small small world. So true, so true murmured the Galactic beauty....small small world, indeed... very small and void.

The following day the Galactic beauty on her way to planetary abode met with the Sun and shared her amazement, sadness, and sorrow about the planet earth, and the reign of Micky the mouse. The Sun who was still dancing away couldn't believe what he had heard from the Galactic beauty.

Sun asked the Galactic beauty, what must have happened that the planet earth gave away all it had, and the potential for what it could have had in deference to Micky the mouse, to which the Galactic beauty replied: The planet earth had suffered a Wall Street stroke caused by Wall Street saturated fat. Now having lost all it's diversity, intelligence, art, and science as a consequence of Wall Street caused stroke, the planet earth is living in deference to Micky in Micky's sheltered nursing home. The planet earth being stroke ridden is being amused by the Micky the mouse and his pals.

A time to ponder................

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