Friday, July 18, 2008

Clean Air And Clean Head, And The Intolerance Treatment

What will it take to solve the world's greatest challenges/problems (miseries)?

A clean air and a clean head will be a great beginning. Air and Head both are clogged. Air is Clogged by pollutions of all kind including the air pollution caused by varied elements including fossil fuel consumption; and the head is clogged by mean corrupt ideologies of all kinds including the lack of education. There is so much greed, corruption, and ignorance (some of the key ingredients for lack of clean air and clean head) at every level of the social-political-economic level that it seems impossible to have any thing clean. Longer the condition of greed, corruption, and ignorance persist, the more living with greed corruption, and ignorance becomes a norm and normalcy, the more difficult it would be to clean either air or the head.

To clean air and to clean the head will require a change in social-political-economic policies--policies promoting a change in life style. Since human specie has demonstrated it's capacity for intolerance. Wouldn't be nice to convert human intolerance trait into a life style that is intolerant of lack of clean air and the clean head.

A time to ponder..................

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