Thursday, July 10, 2008

Obama, Electorates, and the Politics of Corporate America

Mr. Obama is a lawyer by trade and a politician by practice. Electorates of America represent a diversified citizenry with a mix bag of archetypes. The politics of America is a form of legal constitutional politics of business and generating wealth.

The politics of business is control by corporate America. Corporate America is in business of controlling wealth and wealth making resources. The wealth is made by creating and controlling markets. The corporate America knows it well that it is creating and controlling market...... is what generates wealth, and they need politicians and lawyers to enact laws.... so that they can have the control they need to control the wealth.

The politics of electorate is not as simple. The politics of electorates is diversified and complicated based on contemporary totum poles and the inherent electorates psychosocialcultural archetypes. It becomes even more complicated by the politics of business and the politics of the politicians. The politician get their power from electorates, so to speak; and the corporate America gets it's power by controlling the wealth and the politicians. From where do the electorates get their power?

The corporate America and politicians both know it well that their ultimate success and failure depends on how much success they can muster in controlling the resources and the electorates for their business. Of course, it could also be equally true that the electorates business is similar to the business of corporate America and of politicians. The success and the failure of electorates will depend on how much success electorates can muster in controlling the corporate America and the politicians. So, the corporate America, politicians, and the electorates share common purpose to seek power and control over each other. In the process each hopes to get power and control over the other for their benefit, pure and simple. The question is who is successful?, and who gets................

Obama is a lawyer, and knows how to play or control the legal constitutional politics; and he seems to be in control of what he wants (power and control); corporate America is in control of wealth and the politics of politicians; electorates are as much in control as the trickle down legal constitutional politics allows.

The 2008 election for Obama, electorates, and the politics of corporate America is just around the corner.

Question: Do you think electorates will get a little more than a trickle down control this time around?

A time to ponder....................

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