Thursday, July 31, 2008

Commercial Art

Ignorance a dreadful disease with fertile grounds for the commercial "art" to engender controls for the corporate manipulators, to give their business a head start.

The use of commercials by the corporate manipulators has become a social and psychological drudgery disguised in cleaver garments of commercial 'art'.

The commercial 'art' manipulate ignoramus thoughts, feelings, and life's movements for the business from the start.

Free yourself, yourself, yourself from ignorance rather being controlled by the commercial Marshal 'art'.

A time to ponder.....................

Sunday, July 27, 2008

There Is No Right Right Until Right Is Right

There is no right right until right is right.

The claims on any life by false right is not right.

Is self-interest right?; if it is, by whom right it is right.

All the political rights are nothing but mirage with camouflage
of rights.

Bestowed upon by the mirage of rights to hide what is
not right.

The mirage of rights in of themselves are created by power
and might, which isn't right, right?

The power and might is right by power and might.

Ah, no wonder, all there is to seek power and might
to make false right right.

A time to ponder...................

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Micky's Reign Visited By Galactic Beauty

Not very long ago, Sun began dancing in cloud to attract the Galactic simmering lusting voluptuous beauty; oblivion of the fact that the Galactic beauty had left to dance on planet earth.

The Galactic beauty on her dancing mission to planet earth arrived with great expectations though a little late; to her amazement she found a shrunk planet earth... left with nothing except the world of Micky the mouse. Galactic beauty found herself in great puzzlement over this transformational predicament of of planet earth: The planet earth being void of it's big achievements, beauty, diversity, higher intellect, art, and science in deference to Micky the mouse.

Galactic beauty with great sadness and sorrow looked around the planet earth, and found nothing but the empire created by Micky the mouse, and the Wall Street it's surrogate.

While Sun was dancing away oblivion of Galactic beauty's visit to earth, and her encounter with the Micky, and void planet earth of it's big achievements, beauty, diversity, intellect, art, and science.

The Micky with all his pals including the Guffy and the Wall Street surrogates welcomed the Galactic beauty in his castle, and gave the Galactic beauty the welcoming party. The castle was lit with Micky's candles, Wall Street jangles, and the music the small small world. So true, so true murmured the Galactic beauty....small small world, indeed... very small and void.

The following day the Galactic beauty on her way to planetary abode met with the Sun and shared her amazement, sadness, and sorrow about the planet earth, and the reign of Micky the mouse. The Sun who was still dancing away couldn't believe what he had heard from the Galactic beauty.

Sun asked the Galactic beauty, what must have happened that the planet earth gave away all it had, and the potential for what it could have had in deference to Micky the mouse, to which the Galactic beauty replied: The planet earth had suffered a Wall Street stroke caused by Wall Street saturated fat. Now having lost all it's diversity, intelligence, art, and science as a consequence of Wall Street caused stroke, the planet earth is living in deference to Micky in Micky's sheltered nursing home. The planet earth being stroke ridden is being amused by the Micky the mouse and his pals.

A time to ponder................

Friday, July 25, 2008

Heart Aches, Mind Throbs, And Tears Come And Dry Off

Heart aches, mind throbs, and tears come and dry off.

Life remains in boundless shackles; never ending ethnic,
and thought cleansing; genocide, and holocausts abound;

Living surrounds war thunders, political rambles, and human

Heart aches, mind throbs, and tears come and dry off.

A time to ponder..........................

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Longing For An Unpolluted Universe

Heart aches, throbs, and sputters to see the enslaved, cluttered
and polluted universe with every sun rise and sun set.

The pollutants have subdued the beauty once seen;
the beauty once seen is in mortal danger with all the
clutters around; What is to do with the memory?....the
beauty these eyes have seen,
is difficult to forget.

Why humanity surrounds itself with pollution?
Is humanity nature's ultimate disease, a malady?
the answer is difficult to get.

Where is the outrage and longing for a clean and free universe?

Is longing for clean and free universe a reverie, the fancy?
Are human hearts bought out, opt out, subdued, controlled,
subverted, and polluted?.... the answer is difficult to get.

A time to ponder..........................

For Now And Forever

When life's moments are shackled by betrayal and injustice.

When cruelty is inflicted, and victims are victimized in everyday practice.

Let not your heart succumb in despair,........ rather make your heart rebel,...repel,...against cruelty, betrayal, and injustice.

Let no one control, subjugate, and cause pain,.... now and forever; let never, never, and never glorify pain and suffering, control, subjugation, or crucifixion to rationalize injustice, now and forever.

Let no one,....... let no one,.....let no one, no matter how pompous poise controlling power it may be, control you; to subjugate you;...... it must be your promise to yourself and to others, now and forever.

Let no one, no group; no nation; no world power inflict pain and suffering, control, and subjugation, now and forever.

Make a promise to uplift the life, now and forever.

Let not make the ignorance, and the meek as rationalized blessed; uplift the meek from the centuries rationalized preach, and eliminate the ignorance now and forever.

Throw away all the glorified garbs promoting injustice in the name of justice; throw away,...throw away,...... throw away all the injustice, now and for ever.

No cave, no building, no structure, scripture, matter how big or small, matter how glorified they may be,.......if they promote injustice, rationalize control, and subjugate,........ disowned them; put them in a museum; make them the monuments to rust; keep these monuments to remind humanities cruelty and injustice to self and others. Let peace and prosperity shine, now and forever.

Let your heart cry out loud: no violence but peace, no violence but peace... to yourself and to others, now and forever, and ever, and ever.......

A time to ponder...........................

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Make Life What Life To Be

Life is what it is; make it what it to be; for every moment and every day.

Let nothing sway your life away..... any other way,..... but your desires way.

Let not the sorrow, sadness, and disappointments take hold of your life's sway.

Judge not those who judged and misjudged you to make your life go away.

Let your desires, and passions sooth your sorrow, for every moment and every day.

Life is what it is; make it what it to be; for every moment and every day.

A time to ponder....................

The Coming of 21st Century Sage

Here comes the the 21st century sage with all it's tapestry.

The cell, the fax, the Internet, make 21st century covenant
for 21st century sage and it's tapestry.

The 21st century sage speaks in copyright photo synthesized
voice of it's century.

The 21st century sage lives, breathes, and deliberates in
Wall Street forestry.

Here comes the 21st century sage with all it's tapestry.

A time to ponder...................

Doing And Being

What to do when nothing to do?

Doing, not being, will be what next to do.

Being is what not to be, has become the motto of do.

Isn't being for whom the do is suppose to do?

What has come to life that has taken away the being for do?

How to liberate the being from the treachery of do?

What to do when nothing to do?

A time to ponder...........................

Been, Rather Seen

What is there that has not been.

Better yet, what is there to be.... that has not been.

Been, what it is to be, coming soon to be among the been.

Been, seen, coming to be among the been, rather than seen.

What is there that has not been.

A time to ponder.......................


When people come in your life, and nibble life away.

Leaving behind nothing but sorrow and sadness as they sway.

Let your inner voice cry out loud....there can not, and must not
be only the nibblers those who sway.

Take charge of your inner sway, and turn the nibblers away.

Make your way, no other way, it's your life.... let not the nibblers
take it away.

Take a fresh breath, and make the life's nectar to flow your way.

Live,..... live,......, and live.... no other way but your way,... and
make the nibblers go away.

A time to ponder...................


There is no doom and gloom.

Just look around, politicians are coming rather soon.

Truth is out, mouth is open, you see nothing but the dreadful moon.

There is no doom and gloom.

Just look around, politicians are comming rather soon.

A time to ponder..................

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Trust is what it is, a trust.

Some have it, some cause it to hurt.

Some use it, to pander and forget.

When misjudged by the world you trust.

In sadness and sorrow let them go,

as you wish them the capacity to trust.

A time to ponder.......................


Don't let the frustration get to your heart.

Except the world as is to start.

Move with your conscious, move with your feelings and thoughts.

Don't let the frustration get to your heart.

A time to ponder...............


Life is all there is,... for all there to be.

Shake the dirt thrown at you,..... and free thee.

Look at the star and horizon's beauty to be.

The universe is yours to love and see.

A time to ponder................

Waring Games of Social Living

Oh, the living one's just look around the waring games being played to control, dominate, and subjugate.

Distractions, distortions, and diversions are plentiful on and at the planet gate.

The arguments, the arguments,..... the arguments, and more of the same.

The sole purpose of living, loving, and learning is distracted, distorted, and diverted from evolving and becoming whole......... to control, dominate, and subjugate.

Free yourself,....... free yourself,..... freeee yourself, and rejuvenate.

Let the distractions, distortions, and diversions go by the side as you regenerate.

A time to ponder...............

Living, Loving, Learning, And Evolving

Living comes with our existence which brings the fruits of loving, and opportunities for learning and evolving.

Life is not fully evolved yet,...... however is evolving.

Evolving it is,.... in it's struggle with distractions, distortions, and diversions,------for a purpose,.... and the purpose is, no other than......... living, loving, learning, and evolving.

What could there be more than to embrace the living with all it's loving, and learning for the purpose of nothing but evolving.

As we experience the life and it's dichotomous drama of control or be controlled; dominate or be dominated; subjugate or be subjugated,.....let's not forget living for loving, learning, and evolving.

Evolving it is for the purpose of living, loving, learning, and evolving.

Why it not be,...... when loving brings the serenity, the passion, the urge for creation, and above all the desire,....a loving desire that is,... for living, loving, learning, and evolving.

When all the distortions, distractions, and diversions have come and gone; when the social, political dichotomous games are being played out; there will be nothing....... but living, loving, learning, and evolving.

A time to ponder....................

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Scapegoating Phenomenon And A Remedy

The practice of scapegoating is a disease. Scapegoating phenomenon is a well documented, and frequently used phenomenon. Scapegoating depending upon it's contextual and subject matter content, could be a social, political, and psychological condition. Scapegoating phenomenon can be found in varied social, political, and psychological dramas played out among human beings.

Commentary plus describes the reason for scapegoating phenomenon, and suggests a transient remedy as follows:

What causes scapegoating phenomenon? There are varied explanations in literature and folk- lores. Commentary Plus's position is that the basic and most fundamental reason for frequently occurring scapegoating phenomenon exists because human specie remains, at this stage of evolution, a socially, politically, and psychologically warped mass. The warped mass is a fertile ground for psychological insecurity, anxiety, and host of other debilitating conditions. To escape from some of the psychological insecurities and anxieties the blame shifting solutions have been practiced. There is an evolutionary gene precipitating in this blame shifting phenomenon. Though the gene is not formally identified as yet. Nevertheless commentary plus position is that it exists. This is an acquired gene. The gene is unhealthy, and is expected to be eliminated in evolutionary process. The practice of shifting blames to someone or to some group has been played as a remedy. This is what is known as scapegoating (one or a group to bear blame or responsibility for others misdeeds, so to speak; and in politics scapegoating is used as a diversion tactics among other purposes). This is a unhealthy remedy. Scapegoating is also embedded in some religious practices.

In social context, the drama of scapegoating creates what is known as a fall guy phenomenon. In a social political power structure game, an entity with less power is created or identified to take the fall. In social political victor's court drama, the fall guy has never been set free.

Until human specie evolves out of it's social and psychological dichotomous warped condition (dominate or be dominated; control or be controlled; subjugate or be subjugated; blame or be blamed), the scapegoating will continue. The social, political, and psychological solutions/treatments developed in a social, political, and psychological warped milieu will not cure scapegoating. The so-called psychological and social solutions and treatments are in themselves warped by the virtue that they are developed in a warped milieu. Therefore, the solutions and treatments have potential to make the condition of scapegoating worse, or at best justified and rationalized. So, there is no scape from scapegoating, isn't?

The remedial choices are very limited: either hold your breathe until the evolution remedies the warped scapegoating gene, or in transient take preventive steps to avoid being a scapegoat or become one.

A time to ponder................

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Predictably Irrational Op Ed

The NYT 7/19/08 Op Ed article titled " Eyes Off the Price" by Dan Ariely (the author of Predictably Irrational) is indeed predictably irrational. The article demonstrates author's irrational convoluted argument and thinking which is expected from a predictably irrational author, a predictable phenomenon nevertheless.

Just take your eyes off the oil price, and do not multiply the price x item (gallons of oil) purchased, then you would not consider the oil price as high, is the implicit message from a so called predictably irrational professor at Duke. Mr. Ariely is a presumptuous writer which is expected from an irrational writer who thinks consumers are concerned about high oil prices but not as much about the high health care cost, food, electricity or telephone prices, because he himself (a single subject biased sample) does not pay much attention to food prices while shopping or he forgets or does not remember what used to be the price of a gallon of milk or does not multiply x purchased items, however he pays more attention to gas price because he is watching the meter role. Mr. Ariely's arguments are based on his personal irrational experience. If there are more of Mr. Ariely's colons around, then he is correct in his supposition that decisions made by those colons (and those colons only) that the oil prices are high and health care cost, food, electricity, and telephone prices are not high. However, Mr. Ariely's irrational supposition can not be generalized among those who make decisions based on some other proposition which may be rational and logical. Also, if Mr. Ariely's types irrational decision makers make predictably irrational decisions, as Mr. Ariely says they do, then by Mr. Ariely's own logic predictably irrational decisions whatever they are, become logical and predictable, and thus rational?

A time to ponder....................

Friday, July 18, 2008

Universal Health Care Insurance, Insurance By Whom?

Senator Clinton, and Senator Obama both want a Universal Health Insurance program. However, both have failed to come clean with the details of the so called Universal Health Insurance program. It has been said before that devil lies in the details. For a starter, what they are proposing is an insurance program loved by insurance companies with some reservation. (There are no insurmountable insurance companies reservations that insurance companies can not take care of through their creative lobbying).

We are living in a country where electorates have bought, and politicians have sold many shady programs such as the warrantless wiretapping, and have already spent in a war in Iraq more money than ever will be needed to take care of many social issues including providing health care. Neither electorates have shaken their ignorance nor the politicians have come clean with their shady programs and political tricks.

Do we really have on the table a true Universal Health Care Program, or we have a Universal Health Insurance program? Electorate will find that it is an insurance program with all it's faults.

Time to ponder............................

Clean Air And Clean Head, And The Intolerance Treatment

What will it take to solve the world's greatest challenges/problems (miseries)?

A clean air and a clean head will be a great beginning. Air and Head both are clogged. Air is Clogged by pollutions of all kind including the air pollution caused by varied elements including fossil fuel consumption; and the head is clogged by mean corrupt ideologies of all kinds including the lack of education. There is so much greed, corruption, and ignorance (some of the key ingredients for lack of clean air and clean head) at every level of the social-political-economic level that it seems impossible to have any thing clean. Longer the condition of greed, corruption, and ignorance persist, the more living with greed corruption, and ignorance becomes a norm and normalcy, the more difficult it would be to clean either air or the head.

To clean air and to clean the head will require a change in social-political-economic policies--policies promoting a change in life style. Since human specie has demonstrated it's capacity for intolerance. Wouldn't be nice to convert human intolerance trait into a life style that is intolerant of lack of clean air and the clean head.

A time to ponder..................

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wall Street Market Game

Wall street market games are many including: the economic game of inflation; the game of paper wealth creation; the game of globalization and market expansion; the game to insulate private corporate losses with tax payers money. The Wall street loves socialism when it comes to insulate corporate loses...........These are the regular games played out at the Wall street. Wall street never produces any thing except the money games. The Main street has to work hard, harder, and harder to produce so that Wall streets paper money could become sustainable.

There was a time Dow Jones average use to be 900. Any drop in 100 to 400 points was bad news. Then marketeers inflated it to 3800. Now any time market dropped 100 to 400 points was not much of drop. Then came 1987 and the market dropped 2000 points. The marketeers followed up and inflated the market to 14,000.00. Now 2000 to 3000 points drop is not bad for those who enter market before 10,000.00. They are safe and insulated. Once this cycle of drop in points game is over, the marketeers will inflate Dow to probably to another high say to 20,000.00. At 20,000.00 point Dow average drop of 2000 to 3000 would be not much of a drop. After the drop, the Dow still would be way high in comparison to 900 points, or 3800 points or 10,000.00 points, the Dow's highest points in history.

So, just watch the game, and prepare to work hard to make paper money sustainable.

A time to ponder........................

Happiness At No Cost

Happiness trinity:

Enjoy your mortality. It's the only thing certain in a...... uncertain world.

Enjoy absurdities, including your own. It's...... the reservoir for Lot's of humor, and mental health.

Enjoy your consciousness. It cost nothing and it has greater value than any and everything you have, and will ever have........ Just think, without consciousness you have nothing, you are dead.

A time to ponder.........................

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fourth Amendment And Civil Liberties

This page is dedicated to honor Senators who voted against Warrantless Wiretapping.

Thank you for making an effort to protect whatever is left of the Fourth Amendment, and the civil liberties. Thank you for keeping hope alive for a free America............. Thank you for keeping a checks and balance system alive, even though the system seems to be on a respirator..... Thank you for taking a stand, even though taking a principled stand has become a most compromised political concept among the so called the very best. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

Akaka (D-Hi)
Biden (D-DE)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Byrd (D-WV)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Harkin (D-IA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Klobuchar (D_MN)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Murray (D-WA)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schumer (D-NY)
Tester (D-MT)
Wyden (D-OR)

There is not a single Republican who voted against Warrantless Wiretapping.

A time to ponder..............

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Obama, Electorates, and the Politics of Corporate America

Mr. Obama is a lawyer by trade and a politician by practice. Electorates of America represent a diversified citizenry with a mix bag of archetypes. The politics of America is a form of legal constitutional politics of business and generating wealth.

The politics of business is control by corporate America. Corporate America is in business of controlling wealth and wealth making resources. The wealth is made by creating and controlling markets. The corporate America knows it well that it is creating and controlling market...... is what generates wealth, and they need politicians and lawyers to enact laws.... so that they can have the control they need to control the wealth.

The politics of electorate is not as simple. The politics of electorates is diversified and complicated based on contemporary totum poles and the inherent electorates psychosocialcultural archetypes. It becomes even more complicated by the politics of business and the politics of the politicians. The politician get their power from electorates, so to speak; and the corporate America gets it's power by controlling the wealth and the politicians. From where do the electorates get their power?

The corporate America and politicians both know it well that their ultimate success and failure depends on how much success they can muster in controlling the resources and the electorates for their business. Of course, it could also be equally true that the electorates business is similar to the business of corporate America and of politicians. The success and the failure of electorates will depend on how much success electorates can muster in controlling the corporate America and the politicians. So, the corporate America, politicians, and the electorates share common purpose to seek power and control over each other. In the process each hopes to get power and control over the other for their benefit, pure and simple. The question is who is successful?, and who gets................

Obama is a lawyer, and knows how to play or control the legal constitutional politics; and he seems to be in control of what he wants (power and control); corporate America is in control of wealth and the politics of politicians; electorates are as much in control as the trickle down legal constitutional politics allows.

The 2008 election for Obama, electorates, and the politics of corporate America is just around the corner.

Question: Do you think electorates will get a little more than a trickle down control this time around?

A time to ponder....................

Monday, July 7, 2008

Traumatic Brain Injury Tragedy: Matter Matters

The tragedy of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is that it occurs recklessly and so often.... even though it is a preventable condition. The TBI occurs due to an external injury to brain causing matter loss that sustains brain. The degree and the amount of brain matter loss determines the ultimate consequences of the injury. In general, the matter loss adversely effects cognitive, affective, and psychomotor functions. Ironically though, the TBI tragedy is helpful in obtaining knowledge and insight about ourselves. Some simmering thoughts.......

In tragedy we learn. We learn about one of our key organ, the brain and it's matter... or it is all one, brain and the matter that is. The role of matter as it affects our psychological behavior, and the role of psychological behavior as it affect the matter, if it ever so does. In tragedy we learn......

We struggle with the concept of duality (matter and the mind); is duality there..... or it is all one. As we explore the matter's physiology; the chemistry; the electrical charge; the role of gravity; and the physical laws...., we know about ourselves a little more, thus in tragedy we learn.

In tragedy we learn about our humanity or lack of it; our behaviors; and the role of social and educational institutions in pursuit to make life whole again......, thus.. in tragedy we learn.

In tragedy we learn about our feelings; our defense mechanisms; our resistance; our denials; our compromise formations; our transference; our relationship with ourselves and others; who we are; who we become; what transpires change or no change. Regardless, in tragedy we learn......

In tragedy we learn the value of our whole being; making whole when matter is lost is no small matter. So, in tragedy we learn..........

In tragedy we learn from research; some research are based on trial and error; some are error in trial. No matter what..... in tragedy we learn... that matter matters.......

A time to ponder...................

Friday, July 4, 2008

Human Mass

Human mass has experienced the evolution of it's existence from it's beginning. What is the purpose of human mass in it's present form with all it's present needs (biological, social, economic, psychological), intellect, creativity, insight, and foresight; and what would be the purpose of human mass in it's future form as evolution evolves........ is a matter of scientific inquiry, speculations, religious claims, and best of all human curiosity.

Human mass has projected, and continues to project itself as a thinking, feeling social psychological, chemical, and biological collection of living human beings. The collection of human beings with individual mass are evolving and mutating in a cosmic order. There is no disorder in cosmic evolution. The evolution is not dichotomous. The dichotomous concept of orders and disorders are at best intellect's social and economic concept with psychological consequences.

Any thoughts?

A time to ponder.........................

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Left, Right, Center, And The Politics of Extremist

Any extremist politics is what it is: Extremist (far right, left, and center). Extremist politics usually is considered a negative politics. It does not matter whose politics it is. The politics of left, right, center, or the politics of any other name could be extremist. If it is extremist, it is negative..... a prevailing presumption. However, extremist politics can be positive as well as negative. What will, and could make an extremist politics positive or negative will depend on the definitions, criteria, moral, and ethical parameters surrounding the politics of extremist. It is important to critique definitions, criteria, moral, and ethical parameters as well. The moral and ethical definitions and criteria in of themselves may not be morally and ethically defensible.

As general election nears there will be maneuvering from the right, left, and the so called the center. In practical sense, center means a compromised position (mixer of left and right). There is no pure and almighty left, right, and center politics. If it is, it will not be called politics.

Let us hope that the politics of left, right, as well as of center does not become corrupt and Karlovian, as a starter. Let us hope that the process of deliberation, and the system of checks and balance will guide the human frailty from becoming corrupt and Karlovian. The susceptibility of electorates to a corrupt and Karlovian politics in of itself is very telling about the electorates frailty.

A time to ponder......................

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fossil Fuel Politics, Simple And Cleaver

In fossil fuel politics, the political players are oilmen and their collaborators. American oilmen in collaboration with the oilmen and the marketeers of the so called-free world along with the oilmen and marketeers of the middle east and the developing countries have done well for themselves. The oilmen have played a very simple and cleaver politics to take advantage of gullible consumers dependency on fossil fuel as follows:

First, oilmen and their companies (welfare emperors and empresses) made money with generous tax payer subsidies; then, oilmen enjoyed the camaraderie of secret Cheney energy meetings followed by a record profit for oil companies that came with a rapid increase in gas price, any connection?; and now the oilmen have increased their chance to succeed in new oil drilling politics (more fossil fuel; more consumer dependency on fossil fuel; more profit for oilmen and the marketeers). Victory, victory, and more victory for fossil fuel politics of oilmen. Oilmen and the marketeers could not have asked for a better political condition for exploitation (consumers are suffering from oil dependency and obesity; political leaders in power are oilmen; and marketeers are in a globalization glut). And the exploit they did!!!!

A time to ponder..................