Sunday, June 8, 2008

What Went Right?

Senator Hillary Clinton's appearance without her husband, daughter, and mother by her side at the podium from which she gave her speech to concede is...... what went right at the end of this primary political drama. Senator Clinton has shaken herself lose from her husband's and for that matter, it seems, from all shadows to begin a new political journey. Senator Clinton emerged a transformed political leader as she rendered a powerful speech, acknowledged her supporters and family, and gave a solid endorsement to Senator Obama's candidacy, all on her own terms. Senator Clinton presented an evolved persona of herself for many coming generations to emulate.

Let us hope that this is a new dawn for Senator Clinton without the dragnet shadows of the past, and without the soap-opera stories of cheap journalism regarding what went wrongs... to a new beginning of what went right. Let us hope that nation will see the best of Senator Clinton that has yet to come.

A time to ponder.......................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its hard to know what is an ending and what is a beginning in politics because politics has a way of coming full circle.

Senator Clinton seems to to be a strategic tactition with an uncommon drive and competitiveness, continuously working to fill that unfillable power-and-influence bucket needed to create the freedom and authority to more easily push through policy changes and validate her vision and leadership.

However, rather than transforming 'into her own' so to speak, my hunch would be that she was always an independent leader in her own right and any stage displays with Mr. Clinton and others were merely part of the tactics at that time.

Through focus and determination Senator Clinton has developed a political career and persona separate from her husband's. By forging paths unlike previous First Ladies she already proved she doesn't need precedents to make her own course. When Clinton took her place in the Senate after her husband's leave of the Oval Office, it was consistent with the will and determination she had already demonstrated.

While the concession speech appeared like a change in course, I would suspect that Senator Clinton will continue to keep driving home her bottom line in new ways and definitely 'on her terms'.

The campaign ending is just a beginning for a new set of tactics for the same strategy.