Monday, March 17, 2008

Truth....Hurts.......Catharsis may help

The following quote from pastor Jeremiah A. Wright cited in New York Times Op-Ed Generation Obama? Perhaps Not....... by William Kristol is significant in current political environment as well as in historical context........... However, the Op-Ed is not about the pastor.

According to Op-Ed's writer pastor Wright "proclaimed" that: "The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, not God bless America. God damn America, that's in the Bible for Killing innocent people.....God damn America for treating our citizen as less than human."

The above quote reflects pastor Wright's perception towards with whom he identifies, and towards with whom he has deep rooted unresolved grievances. Mr. Kristol did not address whether Mr. Wright's grievances have any significance or not, or whether our nation has transformed and transcended from it's racial discrimination, or what our great nation can do to resolve inherent social and psychological issues. Mr. Kristol's Op-Ed is, according to Mr. Kristol, about Mr. Obama's "deceit" and "conceit". Mr. Kristol has every conceivable right to choose to write whatever he chooses to write. For Mr. Kristol the urgency it is not what Mr. Wright has said but what Mr. Obama said or did not say.

According to Mr. Kristol "The more you learn about him, the more Obama seems to be a conventionally opportunistic politician, impressively smart and disciplined, who has put together a good political career and a terrific presidential campaign. But there's not much audacity of hope there. There's calculation of ambition, and the construction of artifice, mixed in with a dash of deceit- all covered over with the great conceit that this campaign, and this candidate, are different". Mr. Kristol further in his Op-Ed writes about Generation Obama?, and expresses his view that ".....there's something creepy about a campaign claiming them as "Generation Obama."
So what do we have here........ a pastor's speech about our nation's racial behavior, and a journalist's "deceit" and "conceit" allegations and his fear manifested by his use of word "creepy" in the above quote.

It seems to me that, in my humble opinion, both Mr. Wright and Mr. Kristol are projecting their anger and fear. Elections provide, again.... in my humble opinion, at best a time for reflection and an evolutionary time for catharsis.

Time to ponder..................

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