Thursday, March 27, 2008


Perceptions are muddled with socio-economic-political-cultural-religiosity dogmatic quagmire by our so called political leaders. The political distractions introduced by political leaders once dissected could reveal the true identity of political leaders. For examples, the issue of year marks invoked by President Bush to distract attention from serious expenditures and misuse of public funds such as the cost of Iraq war and no bid contract; Mr. McCain has invoked the so called moral principle to stay in Iraq than bring an immoral war to an end and restore the tarnished image of our great country; Mrs. Clinton's attempt to resurrect pastor Wright's remarks and judge Mr. Obama rather than come clean with her Fellowship affiliations. These political leaders have shown by their tactics their true identity.

Political leaders will continue to use tactics such as distraction should voters fail to see the rationale behind such tactics and stop reinforcing such behaviors by rewarding them with election victories.

Time to ponder................

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