Monday, March 17, 2008

America's Identity. news: Church: Obama ex-pastor is under unfair attack.

The article cites pastor Wright's statement which according to this article was made during a sermon in December in which the article states " Wright argued Clinton's road to the White House is easier than Obama's because of her skin color."

"Hillary was not a black boy raised in a single-parent home, Barack was. Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people. Hillary ain't never been called a 'nigger!' Hillary has never had her people defined as a non-person."

Roger Cohen in his Op-Ed titled "Obama's Brother in China" published in New York Times March 17, 2008 cites Obama's half-sister Auma who said to him:

"My daughter's father is British. My mom's brother is married to Russian. I have a brother in China engaged to a Chinese woman."

Finally, the world is becoming a village. Barack Obama is a perfect example of trans culture, trans religion, and trans racial product. Our nation may choose a trans person as nation's president to represent what truly America is made of, a nation of global immigrants.

What an exciting time to participate in political drama, observe political leaders verbal and non-verbal response, and read some of these leaders political statements reflecting of their unconscious archetypes.

Time to ponder..........

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