Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Question of Moral Equivalence and Political Peace Makers

The question of moral equivalence in seeking political peace among varied differing groups needs to be avoided, or at best differed for a simple reason that the question of moral equivalence usually is divisive and and has potent potential to create distraction. At a very rudimentary and simple level, it is imperative to understand what is in a moral construct that differentiates a moral construct from another. And equally, it is important to understand why a group values its moral construct over the other.

So first and foremost it is important to know what makes morals moral, or otherwise...... what and how morals are constituted? How the structure of moral tenements are created and changed over the years and for what purpose ?. How moral concepts have developed and are embedded in economics, social, religion, and cultural fabrics of varied social, religious, and cultural groups? How much morals are, if they are, human specie specific?

Should there be a need to address the question of moral equivalence, it needs to be addressed with compassion and candor by a person who has analysed himself or herself, or has subjected himself or herself for analyses. In doing so the person reduces the probability of injecting his or her value projections into the discussion of moral equivalence.

Time to ponder............

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