Friday, March 28, 2008

Humanity and It's Deep Down Open Secret

The history of humanity on this planet is full of it's deep down open secret that it is a representation of a very destructive specie. Individually as well as collectively the specie has mutilated it's individual as well as collective self. In doing so, it has created varied world views and orders. Each world view once dissected would prove that behind facade of civilization and culture lies nothing but destructive ways of living in varied forms under the powerful dynamic practice of power and control. Is there any individual or collective group on this planet free from the troubling affects of vicious dynamic practice of power and control? Once we look, for example, deeper into any statehood, religious priesthood, and individual saint or sainthood....... what do we find?!............Not a very pretty picture? Of course, we have capacity to justify and rationalize just about any individual or collective acts including the acts of civilizations and cultures, and create an illusionary pretty picture.

We may take solace in our desire of kindness and spirituality, yet that too gets spindled, mutilated, and compromised under the realities of practice to seek power and establish control.

Time to ponder...............

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