Wednesday, March 12, 2008

NY Times Editorial 3/12/08: McCain Misfires at Grizzlies

Senator McCain is a politician skilled in ancient political tools. One of those tools is to create diversion and distractions from major issues. The waste in government spending is a known fact. The big waste in government is created by decisions taken by senators such as Mr. McCain. In order to hide and divert attention from big wastes such as Halliburton contracts and Iraq war costing trillions of dollars, Mr. McCain has chosen research on Grizzlies research costing perhaps less than a days cost of Iraq fiasco and the research has no ill side effect. In choosing the Grizzly diversion Mr. McCain has failed to address and take responsibility for the wasteful big ticket items caused by decisions made by him and his like-minded senators. In addition, he has demonstrated his research ignorance, as well. In addition, he has already admitted his ignorance on economic issues. In short, Mr. McCain's has proven by his decisions to be a big wasteful spender custodial of public funds, has no expertise in how to improve national economic condition, and wants to continue a wasteful Iraq policy for the next 50 to 100 years, and has exposed his research ignorance by choosing Grizzly research, and finally let us be clear that despite of all this he desires to be the leader of the free world. Well, Mr. McCain it's about time to do some straight talk with yourself. Believe me, in my humble opinion, it will do a lot of good to you, the nation, and the world.

Time to ponder......

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