Thursday, March 13, 2008

Do Gooder, A Sickness to be Reckon.......

There are political leaders those who think that they have done so much good to eliminate prejudices in the past that they are surprised and demonstrating their disappointments over how their political statements are perceived by nation as prejudicial. Their disappointment should not be with nation's response but with themselves as the problem lies in their lack of understanding of their own behavior which is infected by do gooder nature.

Current political environment in the United States of America opens a window of opportunity to assess personal and collective prejudices permeating among its inhabitants. What level and degree of intended results prejudicial statements bring for the person or the groups using prejudicial statements will determine how far ahead or behind the nation is on prejudicial scale in comparison with its past prejudices.

This is also an excellent opportunity for the prejudicial statement makers to transform themselves from lingering prejudicial sickness. Should the prejudicial statement makers choose to do self analysis with themselves or preferably with professional help, they will do, in my humble opinion, a lot of good for themselves and for the nation they intend to lead.

Are the inhabitants of the United States of America ready to cure their prejudices?

A time to ponder........

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