Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Jay Leno And The American Oilmen

The Saudies announced today (June 21, 2008) that there is no shortage of oil. They have plenty of oil reserves.

In fact they assure us that they have enough to keep screwing us into the next century.

--Jay Leno

Well, Mr. Leno.... jokes and humors of yours are becoming more and more divergence tactics to divert attention from the real issues: American energy policies, electorates ignorance, and the home grown oilmen. The fossil fuel based energy policies, home grown oilmen, and the marketeers have been screwing for centuries, not necessarily Saudies. Commentary plus is not a fan of Saudies. However, Saudies are at best accomplice of our home grown oilmen. These home grown oilmen and the marketeers would continue to screw into the next century provided electorates are awakened, and the policy makers set policies to facilitate alternate energy solutions.

The electorates elected these oilmen, and so they do deserve the taste of what they asked for, and they do have a mouthful of fossil fuel taste. The problem is that the other half of the electorates those who did not vote for these oilmen have to suffer along with the deserving ones. Of course, the problem relating to fossil fuel has been perculating for a long before this group of oilmen arrived. The current group though has made the condition worse for the electorates and mighty good for themselves.

Isn't about time Mr. Leno, to turn jokes and humors to benefit the greater good, and provide protection from these oilmen and the likes, rather than helping them through jokes and humor diversions, and become their accomplice.

A time to ponder..................

Monday, June 23, 2008

Brain And Conciousness

Brain and Consciousness are inseparable phenomena. During the early formative years as the life of the brain begins, so begins the life of consciousness. The consciousness grows as the brain shapes, grows, and develops it's neural network.

At birth the size of human brain is approximately a pound, and fully capable of carrying out the rudimentary life sustaining functions. The brain's physical growth during the first year of life is a phenomenon in of itself. The size of the brain doubles (approximately from one pound to two pounds) in a year post birth. The rate of conscious experience during the first year of life has not been fully recorded or proportioned to the rate of brain's physical growth. However, the significance of the first year's physical and consciousness growth and development has been well recognized. The rapid physical growth of brain slows during the next 16 years. The remainder third pound of physical brain growth occurs during the so called-developmental period (approximately 2-16 years post birth). During the developmental period as the brain comes to it's complete physical maturity, so does the enormity of conscious experience for the bearer of this remarkable brain mass.

During the formative and the adult years all forms of consciousness including the rate of learning acquisition capabilities, physical, and emotional growths are proportionate to a healthy growth and development of the brain.

Later in life, as the size of the brain begins to shrink due to aging process (the aging mystery still not completely understood, or rather not revealed by the brain's present evolved mass), and brain tissue loss occur due to disease(s), so does brain's capacity for cognitive and affective learning.

The robustness or lack robustness of consciousness is proportionate to the health of the brain. It can be argued that the brain simply is a mechanical transporting system of learning, thinking, feeling, and conscious experience. However, it has never been proven in conscious experience that consciousness exist without the brain mass.

In summary, the experience of consciousness of life is in proportion to our healthy brain; and the experience of fuzzy consciousness of life is in proportion to the brain mass dissemination to form a new brain, and a new consciousness.

A time to ponder.............................

Friday, June 20, 2008

Waring Nations Politics, Politics, And More Politics

Political games started as soon as the arrival of two human beings was greeted by the planet earth. It takes only two to start the political game. In due course of time as population grew the collective politics took it's roots. Nations were formed. Wars were waged to subjugate, seek power and control, and create hierarchy (totem pole) of some kind. Waring nations politics is the game of ultimate brutality. The game of ultimate brutality and killing has not stopped ever since it's beginning....... in times immemorial.

Among the waring nations, the game of politics to control and seek power has become the ultimate game. From time to time, the game forms have changed. However, the nature and the purpose of waring nations political game remains unchanged. The purposes of warning nations political games were and are to subjugate, seek power and control, and create some kind of hierarchy, pure and simple. As the waring nations political games were played out; the wars were waged; nations were formed, or destroyed; power structures were created; resources were governed (controlled); totem poles were created; and moral and ethical rationales were developed to rationalize and justify the doings of wars, nation building, seeking power and control, and creating totem poles. This was and is an on going scenario of waring national politics. Overtly, the contemporary waring nation politics has become cultured and sophisticated, yet covertly it is as brutal as it has ever been.

In general, wars were and still are waged by waring nations leaders. The leaders those who had gained through politics the ultimate prize, the governing power. Since the waring nations had transferred power to State and it's governing body, the waring nation's citizenry were rarely capable of waging wars. So out of necessity emerged the politics of revolution. The citizenry of waring nations had engaged in revolutions, the politics of revolution that is. At the end of a revolution, if it was successful, a new power structure was created. Ironically, the new power structure started the cycle of waging wars all over again for the same purpose against which there was the revolution, a repeat of waring national politics.

The waring nations politics is played out in the name of a nation's constituents security, economics, welfare, pride, and patriotism, to name a few. Constituents needs are created, and then capitalized in one form or the other. The slogans are created, songs are written, flags are made, and the commercials are aired. The politics begins to look very exciting and somewhat noble. Why won't it look exciting and noble? After all, seemingly the constituents needs are being considered as paramount, so to speak; emotions are aroused, and with emotion comes camaraderie to capture the hearts and minds of nation's citizenry. In reality though constituents needs are manipulated for political gains. Ideologies are instituted for politics. It does not matter whether the ideology is drilled into the constituents brain by ideologues, religious good doers, free marketeers, bigots and hypocrites, racists of all kinds, commercials, or by an education system meant to brain wash constituents to serve the waring nation. It's all politics.

Waring nations politics is becoming refined, sugar coated, cultured with a touch of refined nationalism, a sprinkle of patriotism, a heavy dose of intellectualism, capitalizing the anger, frustration, and cynicism created by the politics for political gains. Every waring nation does the same as the other. Every waring nation knows each others purpose: power and control; control or be controlled. No wonder the paranoia is so prevalent among nations. Waring nations politics, politics, and more politics to change for better will require a transformed well informed and educated electorates.

A time to ponder.....................

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

History And Objectivity

Objectivity in of itself is difficult to define. It all depends on the premise and perspectives within which the so called-objectivity is defined. To ascertain objectivity of present history in the future is even more problematic. The best probable time, however, to ascertain objective information is in real time by documenting differing perspective, and documenting factual information. History is what it is HISTORY!, the past. The real time of the past was in it's present time. If the present is not well documented (differing perspective and factual information documentation) in the short term, then the long term history objectivity of the present will be lost for ever.

Usually those who can not defend their actions in present argue that the history in present can not be viewed objectively because of differing emotional passions and bias. Therefore, history can not be objective in short term. However, the arguments ignores for it's own reasons the key point that whatever is happening now can only be viewed now in real time, and rest is history. So, the objectivity of what is happening now can only be objective or otherwise in present time. The objectivity can only be ascertain of the occurrence of present within the prevailing premises of the present. History of the future will be the history of that time looking backwards with a premise of the future into the past. Therefore, the future history's objectivity at best will be objective or otherwise based on it's time's premises and emotional bias.

In summary, objectivity of the objectivity in of itself is difficult to define objectively. The history of present is truly in present in all it's biases. The history of the present in the future will be the history of the future of the present with biases of it's time.

A time to ponder....................

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Brain, Language Function, And Grammar Rules

Human brain differs with it's closest relative (Chimpanzees) not as much in size and shape as in it's unique function to communicate in verbal and written language. The human brain with it's verbal and written functions has demonstrated capacity to produce rules and grammars with interesting grammarian twists and turns.

There are varied languages. Over time, all languages have developed grammatical rules as well as exceptions to rules, rules nevertheless. What is the core purpose of this rule and grammar making function of human brain? Is rule and grammar making function to make language more efficient, evolved, or make a language complicated? The efficient functionality can be justified on grounds that it serves to make a language more accessible and do what a language suppose to do, facilitate communication. Language has to change and evolve, and with evolution change in language can also be justified. However, to decode the purpose of making rules and grammar to make a language complicated is difficult, and indeed complicated.

Merriam Webster's in it's 2001 second edition "Guide to Punctuation and Style" has all kinds of rules and grammar for English language. All of the rules with some exceptions have exceptions, as well. For example, one of rule is as follows: "compound modifiers that include a number followed by a noun (except for the noun percent) are hyphenated when they precede the noun they modify, but usually not when they follow it." Isn't an interesting drama of "except" and "usually". Another example: " A verb derived from an open or hyphenated compound noun is hyphenated." There are more. Let us just keep it simple.

How these hyphen rules or any other hyphen rules facilitate or refine the key purpose of language--communication? Will human race be less communicative w/o these rules? Perhaps a better question: Will human race be more or less intelligent with or w/o these rules?

Time to ponder....................

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Culture Spider Web. And Social Evolution

Culture began with the beginning of life in it's simplest smallest form. Culture from it's simplest smallest form has evolved into current complex obesity. In it's current form, culture is what it is: A complex obese glob with justified and rationalized rules (with all it's good, bad, and uglies') governing a group of people (society) at a given time and space. There are varied cultures on this planet governing groups of people (societies).

All cultures share their deep rooted unexplained yet a deliberative passion sickness for rule making. With this rule making passion sickness each culture has evolved itself into operational rules. For example, each culture has set of rules to promulgate it's acculturation from one generation to another, rules of conservation, preservation, and illusions of immortality. There are cultural rules promulgating aesthetic beauty, rules of psychological and social sublimation (rules nevertheless). There are rules to promulgate science, rules of thoughts and methods of creation of theoretical constructs to understand the physical and biological rules. And there are, of course, rules to establish socio-political economic milieu, rules of power and control. There are many other rules such as rules to explain the unexplainable by rules of mystic and religion.

The rules create the ruthless cultural spider webs, and culture totem poles'. Each culture with it's culture spider webs' and totem poles competes, empowers, assimilates and eliminates competing cultures. This is--what in a simplest shortest form called social evolution.

A time to ponder......................

Friday, June 13, 2008

Senator Jim Webb's Catharsis

Senator Webb's recent book "A Time to Fight" contains references of events of his life's journey from childhood to his current Senate election. The book reflects Senator's perception regarding America's state of current socio-political and economic status; his views on how did the country (America) arrive at a point at which there is surmountable gaps between have and have knot's, among other surmountable (social, economic, political, foreign policy..) conditions. The book includes references from World War I, World War II, Korean War, General MacArthur, 9/11, Criminal Justice system, and host of other things including the Iraq and Vietnam War. He has written about his training in a Marine Corp. Senator has outlined his role as a lieutenant in Vietnam war. He has written about his experience regarding a death of an elderly man, during a combat mission in Vietnam, whom he named as grand father of a boy who also was badly wounded at the same episode in which the boy's grandfather had died while trying to protect the boy, and later the boy himself died without any medical help. He has written critically about the antiwar movement and Senator McGovern. He has expressed his disappointments with democratic congress that had cutoff the Vietnam funding to end the war. He explained his justification and rationalization for affiliating with Republican Party and the Regan administration in which he himself served, and his current switch from Republican party to Democratic party.

In summary, Senator's writing reflects his views, ideals, justifications, and rationalization; his social, political, and military experiences, and his world view as evolved over the years. The book reflects Senator's displaced disappointments, and displaced anger towards the democratic congress which had cutoff the Vietnam war funding to end the war. It is a book which probably has provided Senator Webb a cathartic experience.

A time to ponder................................

Sunday, June 8, 2008

What Went Right?

Senator Hillary Clinton's appearance without her husband, daughter, and mother by her side at the podium from which she gave her speech to concede is...... what went right at the end of this primary political drama. Senator Clinton has shaken herself lose from her husband's and for that matter, it seems, from all shadows to begin a new political journey. Senator Clinton emerged a transformed political leader as she rendered a powerful speech, acknowledged her supporters and family, and gave a solid endorsement to Senator Obama's candidacy, all on her own terms. Senator Clinton presented an evolved persona of herself for many coming generations to emulate.

Let us hope that this is a new dawn for Senator Clinton without the dragnet shadows of the past, and without the soap-opera stories of cheap journalism regarding what went wrongs... to a new beginning of what went right. Let us hope that nation will see the best of Senator Clinton that has yet to come.

A time to ponder.......................

Friday, June 6, 2008

Significance of Election Outcomes

Election outcomes are the barometers of a nation's socio-political, and economic pulse, among various other quivering undercurrent pulsating socio-political phenomenon of it's time. Election results reflect a nation's feelings, attitude, fears, hopes, likes and dislikes. Election outcomes reflect electorates cognitive as well as affective choice making scenarios. The results of elections reflect electorates' psychological states such as their projections and their self-induced identification mechanism; projections and identification mechanism can and often are invoked by the political candidates with whom electorates identified. Regardless whether projections and identifications are self induced or invoked by political candidates, the election outcomes reflects electorates choices, and choices reflect electorates projections and identifications mechanisms.

By and large, unfortunately political candidates exploit electorate's social and psychological affinity to fears, lack of education, and lack of information to achieve political goals. Election outcomes are revelations of how much and how electorates social and ethnic defense mechanisms were exploited by the political candidates. By and large, political candidates also create misinformation to capitalize electorates fears, lack of education and information to achieve political ends as established over time such as providing corporations access to world resources and defending corporate interest with tax supported defense operation.

Election victories and defeats in of themselves are neither victories nor defeats of any significance in value as they merely appear to have at best face value signifying the losers and the winners. The significance lies in that... that victories and defeats reflect a nation's social and psychological pulse. The social and psychological pulse is significant as it reveals the collective state and stage of a nation's socio-political evolutionary status, and degree of receptivity of it's electorates to phenomenon such as swift-boating, racial prejudice, and bigotry.

Some thoughts, and it's time to ponder..........................

Thursday, June 5, 2008

What's Next

The next challenge for senator Obama is not as much from Senator McCain as it is from former President Clinton and Senator Clinton's gift to RNP (Republican National Party). The gifts have been bestowed in various forms. For example, former President Clinton calling Senator Obama a "kid" and using the code words generating negative undercurrents and underpinnings, James Carvel calling Gov. Richardson as a Judah, followers shouting at Joe Andrews (former Democratic party Chairman) a traitor, Senator Clinton stating on TV that Clinton and McCain have a life time of experience to be the Commander-in-chief, are just a few samples of gifts given to Republican party. Republican party must be enjoying the gifts which it has received from the generosity of Clinton's at no cost.

Very soon, if not already in making, electorates will see on TV, and will hear on radio the Clinton gifts to RNP.

A time to ponder on Clinton deeds and misdeeds..............................

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Leverage Out of Mechanical Definition of Leverage

Leverage (-ij) n. 1,the action of a lever; the mechanical advantage it provides. 2,force; coercion. 3, speculation using borrowed funds. -v.i. to speculate using borrowed funds.

--The New American Handy College Webster Dictionary
Third Edition.

In every possible literal sense Bush administration and his neo-cons' used the literal mechanical definition of leverage to create leverage; and in the process they destroyed American leverage and credibility. The worse of all Bush administration destroyed one of the most important leverage: American image and respect around the globe. Unfortunately, recent news editorials such as NYT Op-Ed and Washington Post and some blog writings as well reflect the underpinnings of a failed leverage premise: force; coercion; power; control; all based on bankrupt intellectual unilateral neo-conic hope, speculation, hypocrisy and arrogance rather than based on strong multilevel judicious judgement in cooperation and alliance with new and old allies.

There is a need to promulgate new policies based on a new premise and definition of leverage. A definition that is less mechanical more adaptive and flexible. A definition that is based on a strong at home alternate industry and energy policy rather based on borrowed money, and speculative financial policy. A definition based on mutual respect to regain the admiration and respect of America's allies rather than based on unilateral preemptive autocratic neo-conic arrogance, hypocrisy, and misguided use of American force. A definition that is based on strong education and health policies at home and abroad. A definition that builds and promotes credible human rights policies at home and abroad. A leverage worthy of 21st century global awakening, and a leverage we could be proud.

Let us hope for a new dawn, a new direction, and a new credible leverage.............

A time to reflect and ponder..........................