Sunday, November 14, 2010

Human Minds

November 14, 2010

A New York Times online headline: "Netanyahu Agrees to Push for Freeze in Settlements"

The devil indeed lies in details. Read the details and the readers will find that this is a ploy to provide  temporary freeze (the freeze will be for 90 days) in exchange for permanent guarantees. Permanent guarantees from the U.S for temporary freeze, wow. Thank you Mr. Netanyahu for the "concession" and your "generosity". The details get even more interesting as permanent guarantees for a temporary freeze is based on suggestions made by the U.S., a supposedly neutral and objective broker. No wonder the peace talks never get passed the headlines.

Commentary Plus will like for the parties to get serious, stop playing the games, settle, and live in peace.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Insurance Industry

Insurance industry, and any other industry that makes profit from human health care business should be ashamed. Human health care must not be the business for profiteering. Health care business is for caring and serving. There are plenty of industries for profiteering. Profiteering on the back of ill and the frail is immoral.

Friday, November 12, 2010

MSNBC'S Olbermann Statement Falacy

MSNBC'S Olbermann upon his reinstatement to MSNBC made a statement regarding the rule which was used to fire him. He said, "it was not a stupid rule...". Mr. Olbermann you missed the point, and I am hoping that what you said about the rule that "it was not a stupid rule" was not a bargained statement between you and your corporate master.

The rule is not only stupid, it is immoral as the rule makes you a sophisticated rich slave of  a corporation that does not govern itself with similar rule. In general, corporations do not have to declare their contributions, and they are free to give unlimited amount. On the other hand, You, Mr. Olbermann like other mortal human persons have lesser freedom as a human person than the corporation person. So, in minimalist tradition, I will stop here, as I am hoping that some day you will consider the rule that got you fired is stupid and immoral, and you will advocate that corporations govern themselves with similar stupid and immoral rule should they impose such rules on other.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Reality: Corporation Person vs Human Person

Post Supreme Court citizen united decision, there are two distinct types of persons with legal rights  in the United States. Type # 1 is a corporation person with unlimited legal rights. Type # 2 is a human person with limited rights. For example, corporation person has legal right to give anonymously unlimited contributions to any political party without permission from anyone; human person on the other hand has limited legal rights to give a limited prescribed amount, must declare his contributions, and if employed by the corporation person, the human person must seek corporation person's permission.

Bottom line, a corporation person has more rights than a human person. In this scenario, human person has  become a second class citizen. Welcome to a sophisticated slavery of the 21st century. We the human persons may not like to hear this, or may have already decided to live in denial and not offend corporation master, nevertheless the new reality is here.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Predatory Landing And Predatory Foreclosing

October 30, 2010

Financial corporations including the big banks survived as they received govt. tax payer bailout relief which was given to banks despite of banks mistakes, and their bad business decisions. Now the same financial institutions have instituted multi track foreclosing strategy against the tax payers. Tax payers guilty of their "mistakes or otherwise" deserve relief as well.

The mortgage lenders including the banks are playing game of mortgage modification, and simultaneously and secretly moving to foreclosed the homeowner's home (some homes may deserve foreclosing but not the one's are trying to modify their mortgage as allowed by law). Many home owners are blindsided, and their credits and lives are destroyed.

Welcome to the 21st century legalized financial corporate globalized criminality. Capitalism is being destroyed step by step not by communism, socialism, right or left but by the corporate trickery and greed.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Minimalist Commentary Plus Question To: Warren Buffett's Pronouncement

September 23, 2010 Reuters: Top News Headline:

"Warren Buffett: "We are still in a recession".

Commentary Plus Question:

Mr. Buffett what do you mean by "We"?. This year according to Fortune 500 news you and 399 others like you in America made billions with a total net worth of 1.4 trillion. How could that be a recession for you, sir?.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Reflection on Michael Chabon's Op-Ed "Chosen, but Not Special"

"Chosen, but Not Special" an Op-Ed by Michael Chabon published in NYT: June 4, 2010.

The Op-Ed is a critical, analytical as well as a reflective piece of writing. Mr. Chabon's efforts to be fair minded are refreshing. However, there is a presumption in the title of Michael Chabon's Op-Ed which is troubling. The presumption is that the group addressed in the Op-Ed may not be the "Special" however it is the "Chosen" nevertheless.  There lies the fragments of mystery that is not so mysterious with what the human race has been beleaguered by multiple groups claiming in their own ways and in their own "god" given rights as the "chosen" one's and expressing their views implicitly and explicitly in different ways yet inherently meaning the same that they are the chosen one and making efforts to establish the dominance in one form or the other. The concepts of being the so called "Chosen" ones are described, implied, and written by various groups in different words formulated and institutionalized over times in various forms including in the scriptures, the holy books, and various other forms of writings. In general, all groups on this planet earth consider themselves as the chosen one not the other.

In reality, various groups consider themselves to be the "Chosen" one, however they may express the concept differently, twisting and meandering the words but meaning the same. Once the presumption of chosen one is established then the next presumption for the group becomes easier to make, and that is that their group must be the right one since it is the chosen one (a convoluted misguided thinking nevertheless it is consistent with the linear logical and inferential conclusions made in every day life).

Once the group begins to believe that they are the chosen one, then an another a little more sinister presumption takes hold and has taken hold during the course of human history that is that the other groups couldn't be the chosen one (chosen one being a singularity rather than a plurality concept). And,  therefore each group has been bestowing upon itself all the "god" given power and the rights, and taking away whenever possible as much power and the rights from the other groups in efforts to be the chosen one. The human groups are locked into a perpetual head bashing with each other, and ironically no one has yet won to be the chosen one.

So, what is the way out of this quagmire? The solution may not be difficult (putting the solution in practice is another matter). The solution is simple: It is time to accept that it is not any particular group that is the chosen one rather it is the human race at large in of itself is the chosen one (if we have to hang on to the word "Chosen" as the umbilical cord until freed from and weaned out of it). Any thing less then that that the human race is the chosen one as a whole rather than any particular group will leave the simmering cancerous social cancer of the so called the chosen one's to collide with the so called the other chosen one's as the groups have been colliding with each other over and over during the course of human existence known to our consciousness. It is a sick truism.

So, let there be a different truism to emerge in our time, if it is at all possible, that we all are the chosen one, and let us make efforts to be the worthy of being good, and a fun human race, and stop this silly game of chosen one explicit, implied, or otherwise that belongs to a group.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Raise awareness for global education with Buddhasoren apparel!

Make a statement!  Check out Buddhasoren's new product line at  Featuring thought-provoking message-wear, this apparel is perfect for philosophers, students, activists or anyone who wants to make the world a better place.  All proceeds benefit International Academic Institude, advocating global free access to education.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tug of War Between Spendings on Health And Education, And Spendings on Defense And War Funds

There is a perpetual tug of  war between the national spendings in programs such as human growth and development including health and eduaction, and the national spendings in programs such as defense including war funds . The spendings in defense and the war funds always wins.

Does this scenario tells something about us as a human specie?

A Time To Ponder......

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A shift in American Democracy: The Supreme Court Has Spoken

While the people, and the journalists were preoccupied with John Edward's sexual indiscretions, lies, and deceits, and the media payoff to the comedian Conan, the democracy in America was changing if it has not already changed.

The supreme court ruled (or we say, in it's living wisdom confirmed the right of speech to non-livings, the corporations) that corporations, the entities though non-living and not mentioned in the First Amendment, are guaranteed freedom of speech by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, and thereof, the corporations deserve the freedom of expression. There-by, the court proclaimed, corporations can contribute to effect the elections (buy the election, a better expression) as much as corporations hearts desire, even if they have no living hearts. This is done under the protection of the ruling of the United States Supreme Court, the Supreme jurisprudence entity.

So, welcome to a democracy of the corporations, for the corporations, and by the corporations, and forget the people. The people can not compete with the corporations in a trickle down and recessed economy.

 Now we have a democracy on this planet that belongs to entities, the money entities, the corporations not the people.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

AIG (American Insurance Group) Mystery Simplified

It all started with Regan trickle economy, deregulation, and Greenspan "free market" adventure. The so called entrepreneurs were encouraged to take risk free risk by doing any thing (foolish or other wise) and make money. And money they made. It was all insured by insurance industry in particular, you guessed it right, by AIG. When the "free market" system the so called crashed, the republican administration bailed out the AIG, and the AIG bailed out the "free market" entrepreneurs. The end of story.

Now, the free marketeers like Goldman Sachs are rich from the AIG bail out money, and out they go to  play the so called "free market" game. Any question.