Friday, November 12, 2010

MSNBC'S Olbermann Statement Falacy

MSNBC'S Olbermann upon his reinstatement to MSNBC made a statement regarding the rule which was used to fire him. He said, "it was not a stupid rule...". Mr. Olbermann you missed the point, and I am hoping that what you said about the rule that "it was not a stupid rule" was not a bargained statement between you and your corporate master.

The rule is not only stupid, it is immoral as the rule makes you a sophisticated rich slave of  a corporation that does not govern itself with similar rule. In general, corporations do not have to declare their contributions, and they are free to give unlimited amount. On the other hand, You, Mr. Olbermann like other mortal human persons have lesser freedom as a human person than the corporation person. So, in minimalist tradition, I will stop here, as I am hoping that some day you will consider the rule that got you fired is stupid and immoral, and you will advocate that corporations govern themselves with similar stupid and immoral rule should they impose such rules on other.

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