Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Reality: Corporation Person vs Human Person

Post Supreme Court citizen united decision, there are two distinct types of persons with legal rights  in the United States. Type # 1 is a corporation person with unlimited legal rights. Type # 2 is a human person with limited rights. For example, corporation person has legal right to give anonymously unlimited contributions to any political party without permission from anyone; human person on the other hand has limited legal rights to give a limited prescribed amount, must declare his contributions, and if employed by the corporation person, the human person must seek corporation person's permission.

Bottom line, a corporation person has more rights than a human person. In this scenario, human person has  become a second class citizen. Welcome to a sophisticated slavery of the 21st century. We the human persons may not like to hear this, or may have already decided to live in denial and not offend corporation master, nevertheless the new reality is here.

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