Saturday, October 30, 2010

Predatory Landing And Predatory Foreclosing

October 30, 2010

Financial corporations including the big banks survived as they received govt. tax payer bailout relief which was given to banks despite of banks mistakes, and their bad business decisions. Now the same financial institutions have instituted multi track foreclosing strategy against the tax payers. Tax payers guilty of their "mistakes or otherwise" deserve relief as well.

The mortgage lenders including the banks are playing game of mortgage modification, and simultaneously and secretly moving to foreclosed the homeowner's home (some homes may deserve foreclosing but not the one's are trying to modify their mortgage as allowed by law). Many home owners are blindsided, and their credits and lives are destroyed.

Welcome to the 21st century legalized financial corporate globalized criminality. Capitalism is being destroyed step by step not by communism, socialism, right or left but by the corporate trickery and greed.

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