Thursday, January 21, 2010

A shift in American Democracy: The Supreme Court Has Spoken

While the people, and the journalists were preoccupied with John Edward's sexual indiscretions, lies, and deceits, and the media payoff to the comedian Conan, the democracy in America was changing if it has not already changed.

The supreme court ruled (or we say, in it's living wisdom confirmed the right of speech to non-livings, the corporations) that corporations, the entities though non-living and not mentioned in the First Amendment, are guaranteed freedom of speech by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, and thereof, the corporations deserve the freedom of expression. There-by, the court proclaimed, corporations can contribute to effect the elections (buy the election, a better expression) as much as corporations hearts desire, even if they have no living hearts. This is done under the protection of the ruling of the United States Supreme Court, the Supreme jurisprudence entity.

So, welcome to a democracy of the corporations, for the corporations, and by the corporations, and forget the people. The people can not compete with the corporations in a trickle down and recessed economy.

 Now we have a democracy on this planet that belongs to entities, the money entities, the corporations not the people.

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