Thursday, June 4, 2009

President Obama Renders A Speech To Muslim World

The planet in which we the humans live is divided by the so called the varied religion worlds such as Muslim world, Christian world, Jew world, Hindu world, Buddhist world. The intelligence that we human posses seems never gets pass from these divides the so called the religion worlds. Religion worlds are political, economic, and the state games. Mr. Obama in his political state garb will address a religion world.

Mr. Obama will deliver a speech to reach out to the Muslim world. The content and the heading of recognizing any religion world in of itself is a recognition of world divided by the religions of all kinds. Each religion group wants their own geographical territory and dominance. It may be a good intended venture but it has a virus that has divided our planet for too long.

The divisive, and irreconcilable problems are the products of these religion worlds. As long as these religion worlds are recognized and created there is no hope for a peaceful world. Each religion considers itself the best in comparison to others, and indoctrinates the generations to come into centric irreconcilable views. A speech by Mr. Obama regardless how good intentioned it might be by the virtue that it recognizes a religion world is a cause of great concern.

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