Friday, June 12, 2009

CommentaryPlus Wishes Mr. Krauthammer The Best Of Mental Health

Obama Hovers From On High

Op-Ed by Charles Krauthammer
Published in The Washington Post
June 12,2009

Mr. Krauthammer's Op-Ed column ends with a diagnosis regarding Mr. Obama's state of mind "....disturbing ambivalence towards one's own country". The diagnosis is not that Mr. Obama may have a healthy questioning views towards his own country. The diagnosis is that Mr. Obama has disturbing ambivalence towards his own country.

Commentary Plus does not know the state of Mr. Obama's mind whether it contains "disturbing ambivalence" or not. However, it is apparent that Mr. Krauthammer is disturbed by Mr. Obama's visit, and what he has said to the so called Muslim countries.

The question Mr. Krauthammer must ask to himself: Whether it is healthy to accept one's own nation's mistakes, and change, and make efforts to engage in dialogue, or live in a denial neurotic disturbed life style, and engage in warfare based on false information such as the Iraq war which Mr. Krauthammer supported, and in doing so he abrogated his journalistic objectivity.

Commentary Plus wishes Mr. Krauthammer the best of mental health.

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