Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Atom Bomb

An article "A Flash of Memory" written by Issey Miyake that was published this morning (July 14,2009) in NYT Op-Ed is inspirational, and full of hope.

Commentary Plus hopes that the humanity that had embraced the ultimate cruelty once might turn and embrace the ultimate peace. Let us wish and hope that this is the calling of our time.

Let Mr. Miyake's life story and his aspiration become a guide post to aspire to rid the planet earth from nuclear weapons, and may President Obama show courage and accept Mr. Miyake's invitation to walk the peace bridge in Hiroshima. President Obama has an opportunity to set a new political ground rule to be followed by everyone to make the planet earth a nuclear weapon free planet.

Commentary plus encourages readers to comment, and express their point of views.

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