Friday, July 24, 2009

Ms. Maria Haberfeld's Biased and Incomplete Analysis Rush of Judgement on Police

Commentary: Obama's rush to judgment on police by Maria Haberfeld published at CNNPOLITICS.COM July 24, 2009.

Ms. Haberfeld's commentary and analysis left out several points including police officer's no response to question to identify himself and his badge #. According to news information Prof. Gates had asked three times, and police officer ignored the question not once but three times. Commentary Plus is mindful of dangers police officers face when they are called upon to check out possible burglary. However, what is a or the professional response by the officer once the officer knew that the person in the house was a rightful occupant, and there was no burglary. Wouldn't have been a professional response by the officer to say to the rightful house occupant that he was responding to a call for burglary, and now since there is no burglary sorry for any inconvenience, and left?

Commentary Plus would like to hear from Ms. Haberfeld regarding police officer's obligations towards the rightful occupant of a house who was the victim of a false alarm. Do police officers have any civility obligation in their book in such false alarm cases? Do police officer have any obligation to identify themselves and their badge # once asked? How many times police officer can ignore a private citizen question while police officer is in private citizen's house based on a false alarm?

Maria, please respond.

comments are welcomed and appreciated.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Atom Bomb

An article "A Flash of Memory" written by Issey Miyake that was published this morning (July 14,2009) in NYT Op-Ed is inspirational, and full of hope.

Commentary Plus hopes that the humanity that had embraced the ultimate cruelty once might turn and embrace the ultimate peace. Let us wish and hope that this is the calling of our time.

Let Mr. Miyake's life story and his aspiration become a guide post to aspire to rid the planet earth from nuclear weapons, and may President Obama show courage and accept Mr. Miyake's invitation to walk the peace bridge in Hiroshima. President Obama has an opportunity to set a new political ground rule to be followed by everyone to make the planet earth a nuclear weapon free planet.

Commentary plus encourages readers to comment, and express their point of views.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Charity And Truth

July 7, 2009 Washington Post on line article titled "Pope Eyes New Financial Order" states "Pope Benedict xvi writes that economic systems need to be guided by charity and truth".

Commentary Plus has a question:

Guided by whose charity and truth?

Myopic visions and controlling agendas of charity and truth have caused more distrust and misery than humanity deserves. The financial orders of religion, state, and business world have some explaining to do. Who is going to take the lead is the begging question? Is Pope Benedict xvi ready to do some explaining? Pontificating and political maneuvering of charity and truth will not and can not be charitable nor truthful.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Moral Imperatives

scripted orders of scrupulous scripted social mind governing the human life can never be moral

social orders scripted in economic orders benefiting select few and dealing the blow to the rest so select few can benefit more can never be moral

bail out the big let the small fail rather than letting the small survive to become big can never be moral

interest bearing loans for students to get education to serve social and economic orders to become tax payers is a form of double taxation that can never be moral

social order that creates jurists to protect the loans and the loan sharks not the future tax payers should the conditions change can never be moral

demand for personal responsibility to serve social order without demands for social responsibility to serve the person can never be moral

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Sad Day In Jurisprudence History

Commentary on NYT article "Aspiring Lawyer Finds Debt is a Bigger Hurdle Than Bar Exam." by Jonathan D. Glater published in New York Times July 1, 2009.

First, commentary plus would like to compliment Mr. Jonathan D. Glater for an excellent article. Second, commentary plus is sadden to see the Judges have converted themselves from jurists to loan collection sharks in denying Mr. Robert Bowman the entrance into bar.

A sad day in jurisprudence history. A sad day in American democracy.