Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cheney Rendition And More

Mr. Cheney must speak, should he speak..........

speak to explain Iraq

speak to explain the crap left behind

the cleaning of Mr. Cheney's crap has just began

crap smells

Cheney is back to rationalize his smelly crap

he is not speaking about who made the crap?

he knows it well, and so does the nation

he is a bunker man

he is a master of diversion

he is trying to rewrite the history

Cheney should he speak?............

he should speak:

to explain Iraq

explain the Abu Ghraib

explain the rotten image he left behind

explain the rendition, and

so many unexplained renderings

including the "mushroom cloud"

left behind by Cheney's compatriot the Rice, and

not completing the Mission in Afghanistan

Cheney should he speak?....................

he must speak to explain:

the bunker

the use of torture for political gain

Cheney is one of us

he has write to speak

Cheney, please stand up, be a man, and speak

to confess the horrible renderings

Cheney, please speak and tell us the mortals

why were you not able to clean your smelly crap in seven years?, and

why do you expect the cleaning of smelly crap should be easy and hasty like the "Mission accomplished"?

the problems left behind is your doing, Mr Cheney.

Mr. Cheney, your ways (the rendition, the torture, the Iraq, the Abu Ghraib, the illegal phone tap, and the like) did not work.

Mr. Cheney, Commentary plus does not question your intention to save our nation, however it has serious questions about the methods that you have promulgated, and used.

Please Mr. Cheney, speak up and tell us if you have any other better ways to clean up your smelly crap other than the rendition, the torture, the Abu Ghraib, the Illegal phone tap, and the like......................

Mr. Cheney you have a legacy, a long list of legacy of what had happened under your watch. The list includes the horrible acts such as the 911, the incomplete Afghanistan mission, the mission accomplished drama, the Iraq, the Abu Ghraib, the torture, the rendition, the illegal phone taps, and so many more including the economy........

Commentary plus is waiting to hear from you, Mr. Cheney.........................

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