Friday, February 6, 2009

General Zinni Disqualifies Himself

"General Says His Iraq Envoy Job Was Rescinded" NYT Article Published: Feb.6, 2009

The above news article published in New York Times Head Line News February 6, 2009 by Eric Schmitt and Mark Lander.

According to the article when General Zinni was offered the Saudi Arabia envoy job instead of Iraq envoy job, General Zinni's response was: "I told them to stick it where the sun don't shine."

Commentary Plus Comment On General Zinni's Response:

The response reflects General Zinni's attitude which in of itself disqualifies the General from holding any diplomatic job let alone a diplomatic job in a troubled area such as Iraq.

Commentary Plus salutes General Zinni for his service, and wishes him a prosperous year, and best of mental health. ect General's attitude which in of itself disqualifies the General for any CCCdiplomating job.

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