Thursday, October 23, 2008

Three Bill Buckners Showed Up Before Congress

Alan Greenspan, Former Federal Reserve Chairman
Christopher Cox, Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman
John Snow, Former Treasury Secretary

The above three Bill Buckners showed up before congress with no refund money for their wild, and irresponsible act that has caused the nation billions of dollars, and an economy on respirator.

Commentary Plus has written several commentaries on the so called Greenspan exuberant behavior that failed to protect the public interest. He did provide in his policies the legal lacuna for some, a significant lute bounty at the cost of a nation, and world economy.

Alan Greenspan's conceding statements with an excuse that forecasting is not a science is no excuse. He failed to protect public interest in policies he recommended and implemented. The policies, in his own words, had a 40% of margin of error. Commentary Plus is glad that Alan Greenspan is not a physician treating patients with medicine with 40% of margin of error. In all probability Mr. Greenspan will be suing his physician treating him with medicine with 40% margin of error, and will be demanding the punitive damages as well.

Is there any recourse left for the public to recover the damages caused by Mr. Greenspan?

A time to ponder...........................

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