Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Senator John McCain, The Master

Commentary Plus commentary on Senator John McCain's stand on year marks.

The other day on senate floor Senator John McCain gave a speech. It was a speech on last year's budget. No. it was a speech on year marks. He has been lecturing about the two percent year mark budget so he does not have to talk about the ninety eight percentage of the real budget fiasco. Once again, Senator McCain has proven that he is the master of diversion artistry game to keep public from ever knowing the real year marks such as the war machine.

Total budget: $410 billion
year marks: 7.7 billions to be spent
on 9000 projects

Senator McCain, could you please enlighten us how much is the continuous "year marks" for the war machine? Oh. yes. I forgot that we do not call the war machine budget as the year mark. It is just marked, and it is continuous.