Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post Election Reflection

November 5, 2008

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell once used, and abused by Bush/Cheney team transforms, rehabilitates himself as he talks, and weeps following Obama victory. Mr. Powell, a brave survivor has taken a cathartic journey. Years of supressed compromised memories, and political payoffs to survive have surfaced the conscious mind.

America transforms, transcends, and reinvents itself from it's treacherous times. Commentary Plus offers it's tributes to transgenerational youths for breaking the barriers, liberal progressive electorates for saving America, brave conservatives like Mr. Buckley breaking off from the Bush/Cheney/McCain shackles to rebuild America, and above all, President elect Obama, his family, and campaign for tenacity and leadership.

A time to reflect and ponder................

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Right, Left, And The Center Fiasco

Right, Left, and the Center are the names of political fiasco of our time.

Prepare for power and control for some, and dungeon for other; Nothing has changed from marching armies of the past to the new world order in our time.

The national neuroses turn psychoses to control others to hide the insecure mind.

The mutants and the genetic order are yet to cure the sickness of inherent design to reign nirvana in our time.

Right, Left, and the Center are the names of political fiasco to ingrain the mirage for living for some, and the dungeon for other in our time.

A time to ponder.....................